Chapter 14

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(A/N: Hi sorry it's been a while. I've been busy with school and the holidays. But new chapter yay!)
You and Becky talked in the small dress shop for a while longer. You both had a lot in common. You talked about where your from, employment, even though you still needed a job, weather and London in general. You told her about the party you were attending in 2 days and asked if she wanted to go.

Your POV
"So do you want to come to the party then?" You asked. "Um I don't really p-party much." She replied. "Neither do I but I need someone to talk to and sit with. I won't really know anyone at this party." I said. "Oh okay then s-sure." She replied. I called Phil and asked him if Becky could come to the party. "I'll need to ask Peej but I'm sure he'll be fine with it." Phil said on the phone. "Okay thank you Phil! Byee!" You hung up and told Becky she could go. We decided to get to know each other better so we went for a coffee at costa.

After a few hours we said goodbye and exchanged numbers. She was nice. I think I made a new friend. I decided to walk back to my flat. It wasn't too far and it would give me time to think. I began walking home with a shopping bag in each hand. I couldn't wait for the party. I don't really like parties but I was really exited to see Dan. Why'd I even stop talking to him? Oh yeah. He thought I was dating Phil. I still really like Dan. He'll never like me though. He used to like me as a friend but now he doesn't even like me. I lost one of my friends because of some people on the internet who know nothing about my life. Why can't a girl and a guy be friends without people thinking they're dating? 

A short while later I was back at my flat. I slowly climbed the stairs and opened my door. I have nothing to do and no where to go so I go to my room and get some clean pyjamas out of my chest of draws. I go to the kitchen in search of food. I'm a terrible cook but I can't keep ordering take away. I grabbed my phone and went on Google. I found a Delia Smith recipe for pancakes. After 20 minutes the pancakes are ready.

I looked in my cupboards and found the golden syrup. I poured it on my food and sat at the counter island in the kitchen. Another great night of doing absolutely nothing.

A few hours later you get a text from Phil saying that PJ said it was okay for Becky to come to the party. You thanked Phil and texted Becky. "You can definitely come to the party. See you soon." "Okay see you then." She replied. At least you'll have someone to talk to when Phil ditches you to talk to his friends.

You went to bed around 11 and began searching the internet for jobs in the area. You found a few and emailed the companies. You fell asleep around 3. You had no where to go in the morning/ later that day.

Later that day went quite fast even though you weren't doing anything. You woke up around 12 and it took you a while to get out of bed. You had the same cereal you do every day and sat down on the sofa and watched (your favourite tv show). You weren't hungry when it came to lunch as you just had your breakfast. You had no food in the house anyways. You decided to go out and buy some.

Your POV
I rushed downstairs and out the door. I began wandering the streets and eventually found Tescos. As I was going inside I saw Phil coming out. We talked for a little while and he told me that we were all getting a taxi from our block of flats. We arranged the time and I hugged Phil goodbye.

I bought this week's and hopefully next weeks shopping but I honestly don't think it would last that long. I had at least 4 or 5 bags in my hands which were really heavy, it hurt a lot. I didn't think my flat was that far away so I didn't get a taxi. It took longer to get home with all these bags plus I was still getting used to the London streets. When I got home I literally watched tv shows all day and night.

~Le time skip to a few hours before the party~

I finished a few episodes of American Horror Story and checked the time. It was five past five already. I jumped off the sofa and turned the tv off. I ran to the bathroom and took the quickest shower possible. I blow dried my hair and decided to straighten/curl it. I slipped my dress on and put my black heals on too. Time for makeup. I didn't go to over the top. I kept it simple but different to what I normally have it like. I put my usual makeup on but with more eyeliner and black eyeshadow with a light pink lipstick.

I sat on the sofa and waited for Phil or Becky. After 15 minutes it was 6:30 and there was a knock at the door. It was Becky. I invited her inside and we talked for a little while. She wore her normal grey cardigan with a long grey skirt. She still looked nice. A few minutes later there was another knock at the door.
(A/N: Hai. Yes it's been a while. Sorry about that. I've just been busy playing Sims 4 and I've had school and the holidays and revision. Ugh. So I missed writing and hopefully I can write more new chapters soon. Okay byee! x c:)

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