//an: this has been written but not fully revised. please let me know if there are discrepancies as i've not looked for them myself yet! hope you enjoy. so sorry this is soooo late. (i recently got a puppy and you can imagine the how much of my time it takes XD. i've got another chapter coming soon!//
"Are you okay?" has become a catchphrase of sorts for Travis. It also seems to be a thing for Brink to mock by repeating it telepathically to me or making some other snide comment. A future in which Travis and Brink get along is a future I don't think will ever happen. I could probably say the same for me and Brink, too.
"How many times is he going to ask you?" Brink wonders, his mouth unmoving, his electric blue eyes fixed on mine.
I don't verbally or telepathically reply, but merely roll my eyes and shrug.
"It looked like shit was getting pretty heated over here," Travis notes. "I never took the yellow one as being pissy. Guess you're all full of surprises." Travis's eyes flash to Brink's as he takes my hand.
I'm assuming Travis is also referring to Brink's sudden desire to play nice toward me. I definitely don't think he saw it coming. I certainly didn't. It still makes me suspicious, and I will not fall for any more of his games.
"We all set to go?" Travis continues. "Or does the colored crowd have some other plans?"
For someone who has no connection to us Five whatsoever, he sure can put pieces together fairly quick. He's sharp. At times when I think he's not even paying attention, he is.
I glance at Brink and Stella with raised brows. "Well?" I press, and occasionally darting my line of sight to where Zeriah is pouting--over by the ship.
When neither of them respond, Travis answers for them. "Let's lock and load, people." He then spins around, scans the growing cluster of revolutionaries, and shouts, "Grab what you can and get ready to move!"
I swallow hard as Travis takes leadership. As much as his raised voice comes at no surprise, it feels funny after all that's gone down with him being chained at the headquarters and Brink in full command. Seeing Brink step aside is beyond strange. I really want to know what he's up to. I'm sure it's all part of come greater plan to screw me over. Wouldn't be the first time.
Brink has his ultimate stink face on, and it's obvious he's expressing his distaste for Travis through telepathic means—though not to me. Maybe he's learning to know better. Stella keeps nudging at him with her elbow to make him knock it off.
"Grab a bag," she growls at him and stalks off to get one of her own. There's a total of nine bags made of what appears to be waterproof fabric.
As I follow behind her, headed for the "meat cooler," Travis stops me with a touch to my shoulder. "You aren't dragging that, are you?"
I grimace. "Hopefully your next sentence will be an offer to carry it yourself."
I'm unsure as to why Travis is choosing to be so controlling. Does it make him feel empowered? Whether he's trying to do what is best for me or not, I take offense. Every time.
Taken back, Travis crosses his arms and leans away. "Well, yes. I probably could."
As I open my mouth to reply, a female interjects from behind us. "Don't worry about it!" I fake a smile when Jada comes walking up with her brother.
To set the record straight, I have nothing against Jada. She's cool. Too cool, maybe, for me. She's smart, cunning, witty. She gets it. That's what I like about her. I just can't help but wonder if that's what Travis likes about her, too. After all, he does stare at her for a good while as she makes her way over. And honestly, she has a great body frame. Her build is petite yet strong. Jada's tough. I admire her because of it. I wouldn't be shocked if all of the guys here had a secret crush on her. Who wouldn't?

US (Formerly The After Effect - Book 2)
Science FictionUS follows the journey of Aurora, along with her friends, family, and the revolutionaries as they re-enter Earth and plunge into a quest to find the President's hidden bunker in D.C. Will they all survive the barren lands in a new Earth and find the...