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Life is mysterious. You think you have it figured out and then a curve ball comes flying at you from an invisible pitcher. Travis and I stayed in that room and talked until my voice grew hoarse. I explained nearly every detail of the trip to Nazareth from start to finish, including the time difference spiel, though I left out the part about who I am and how I was created in a petri dish. He made me feel calmer, but couldn't solve my problems. Brink's whereabouts hovered over my mind like an anvil.

My mother ended up coming back first thing the next morning. She broke into a mess of tears as we hugged for the longest time. Luckily, Travis lent me some clothing from the closet, so I wasn't covered in blood when she first saw me. And no—I didn't change in front of Travis. Those feelings I used to have for him aren't there anymore. Plus, he had moved on as well. He never tried kissing me or advancing in any way last night, although we did share the bed, and he did keep a firm grasp on me beneath the covers—mostly because I asked him to. I needed to feel safe again.

I wound up rehashing to my mother what I told Travis, which I then rehashed when Jada returned with her brother. It was an insane feeling being hugged by Jada; I never realized just how strong she was. I felt the curves of her muscles against me when she gave me a hard squeeze. What was more insane, was when she then turned and made out with Travis right in front of me, who seemed to share equal passion.

The sting of jealousy lasted a few good minutes before I forced myself to let it go. Still, I guess I figured if Jada and Travis were that serious he would've told me. But I suppose that's not my business. He can do what he wants, as I have.

Maybe it hurt more than normal because not only have I felt his passion against my own lips, but I missed Brink's. I missed him more than I thought I would. I missed the Five. Here, I am out of place, too. Everyone is living their own little lives, having found their niche. I'm always stuck in limbo, never belonging anywhere.

My mother and I spent significant time together as time passed. She actually did make me feel better. Even when she wasn't in the same room, the comfort of knowing she was near made me warm inside. But this place could never be home. One thing about being on Earth is the sad truth about my past. Things will never be the same. We will never be able to live our normal farmhouse lives with my father and my horse. It will always be just us, and I will still be me, the girl with the hidden superpower, living as people move around me.

I've lost so many people, and being on Earth makes those wretched memories resurface, especially without distraction. I am surprised at how much I miss being busy. Before, I always wanted to slow down, to absorb the seconds as they whizzed by, but I'd take that over this. Over sitting in my room, staring at these white walls. Travis only half-cares that I'm here. My mother is happy to be with me, but even she has a life here. People love her. When we go eat in the great room, she is a celebrity, everyone smiling at her, wanting to talk.

I'm just the tagalong.

"Aren't you hungry, Aurora?" my mother asks, finally turning away from a conversation with another woman her age. She has a tray of food in front of her, mostly eaten, while mine sits untouched.

"Not really," I tell her.

I've gotten used to not eating. I haven't had the chance to since I was here last, so running on nothing quickly became the norm. Plus, I have absolutely no appetite with my mind racing the way it has been. It feels like all we do is eat here to fill the boredom.

Travis doesn't sit at our table. In fact, he's chatting up a blonde across the room, his flirty face on as he subtly showcases his gun. I wonder how many girls he's been with since I left. He did always seem to have the womanizer vibe. He was a good sweet talker, after all. But he was also good at being a jerk. I don't miss our relationship. But I miss our friendship. After day 1 of me being here, we drifted apart. I'm sure he's out telling the entire place what I did. Based on his hand motions, he's got a big story to share with Blondie.

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