19 - F E E L / G O O D

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//i've actually written quite a few chapter lately and i'm not behind (2017 is doing me good so far) also, sorry about the formatting for the previous chapter. i posted with my phone, and have since fixed it! p.s. i was so close to posting the song feel good, inc.//

"Aurora!" my mother cries. "Oh honey! Oh sweetheart!"

It's a little much, but I'm glad to see her again, and receive one of her signature mommy hugs. "Hey, mom."

"I'm so glad you're back."

I fight with myself to not roll my eyes. "I wasn't gone that long. Not even a full twenty-four hours."

My mom sighs, her graying brows knitting together as she stares at me. "I didn't like the idea of you being alone."

Neither did I, I think to myself, but don't share it out loud. "I just needed space. You know, everything has been coming at me so fast."

She nods like she understands, but she's known about me for years. Relating is near impossible.

"I'm here for you, okay? You can always talk to me before you go running off into the woods alone. It's not safe," she notes, her eyes widening a bit.

Is there something she's not telling me?

Suddenly arms are around my waist and I spin around, flabbergasted when I see the arms belong to Zeriah. "Aurora. I'm sorry for being such a scut to ya."

A what?

I take him by the shoulders and apologize to him head-on before embracing him. When his ear is at my lips, I whisper, "We will get Xena back. Don't worry too much, okay?"

We separate and he gives me a weak smile and nod. "No hard feelings."

I feel soft and squishy inside when he says that, and I have the sudden urge to hug everybody, but I keep to myself, assess the group around me, and be thankful for those who have supported me all along. I just didn't always see it.

"Missed you," Stella pipes up, and steps around Zeriah to hug me next. With all the reuniting, it's as though I've been gone a month.

"Rough night last night?" she pries, but I don't want to think back on every shiver, every lonely second I was away. I want to focus on today. On the stable, new me.

"Ya look great," Zeriah adds. He's always there to lighten the mood.

Everyone chuckles, and I can't help but wonder just how pitiful I appear right now—and to think Brink kissed me looking this way?

I told you to forget that, I remind myself.

"So how's the hike coming?" I wonder.

Some of the extra revolutionaries shrug, giving me an overall rating. It has basically sucked the entire time.

"It's been pretty quiet," Stella explains telepathically. "After you left, the groups split, and then Brink ran after you like— Let's just say it's been almost silent for a few good hours."

"Well, we found out Zeriah is a wonderful singer," my mom chimes in.

"Imagine that," I reply.

"Or don't," she snickers, causing the crowd to burst into laughter. "We don't need more bleeding ears."

I cover my mouth to hide the chuckle escaping, but I can't seem to wipe the stupid smile off my face. Today is going to be a good day.

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