40 - D A N C E , D A N C E

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sometimes i feel bad i give you guys unfinished work, then i think, hmm i'd rather get it out there now//

There's nothing like a guy in a tux to brighten my mood.

When Stella swings open the door to our dwelling, Zeriah and Brink stand on the other side like the coolest bachelors in the world—hips relaxed, easy smiles, Brink's hand in his hair as Zeriah fiddles with his fingers. Both are striking in their slick black-and-white attire.

When Brink glances my way, his teeth gleam through his killer smile and his hand falls out of his hair and drops to his side. The sparkling grin turns into one giant "O" as he drinks me down.

"Ho-ly...shhhhh." His jaw sags and his sentence turns to mush. Eyes popping out of his head, I giggle and playfully twirl my hair at him, batting my eyelashes. "Aurora, you..." Brink stumbles on his words and blinks a couple times. "I mean you--" He rushes to grab my hands and weave his fingers through mine. "You look...incredible. Wow." His eyes trace me from head to toe as he stands before me, shocked.

I can't help but smile back like I've won a brand new car. "Thanks."

"I agree," Zeriah interrupts. "For the record, Stella, you also look amazing," he adds.

She giggles and exchanges a look with me. "You guys both look stunning."

"I agree!" I add, just as Zeriah had. I lean into Brink and tip my mouth toward his ear. "I'm speechless," I murmur.

He smirks and straightens his jacket pompously before taking my arm. "Your dress," he starts. "Nice color."

I blush as Brink takes the lead and escorts me out the door and into the hallway. Stella and Zeriah follow behind us, chattering away while Brink and I keep a low profile.

"How did today go for you?" I ask as we walk, hand in hand.

"Good," he answers flatly. "Nothing happened. But the concoction is done. Scientists are going to start testing tomorrow." He talks out the side of his mouth, his face forward as if he wants no one to understand what he's talking about.


He nods. "They want to make sure it works first. But let's talk about it later. Let's just enjoy tonight for what it is, yeah?"

I smile and agree. "You got it."

Brink leans over and kisses my cheek, sending tingles to my stomach. We take a couple more turns and then we enter the sea of people, glitter and glitz every which way. My first thought is to find everyone I know. See their dresses, tuxes, all of it. But everyone I see I don't recognize. Their faces unfamiliar. Some nearest us turn their heads at us, scan us over, and return their gazes. I'm assuming everyone is waiting for the doors to open.

Lately, I've been so occupied by the future I've forgotten what's passed. It's been five years for the civilians living here. This is their pride and joy. Their moment to have a good time. To dance and let loose and celebrate. Once a year they get the chance, and you can tell by the giggles and squirrely movements that everyone is pumped up. Friends and couples take each other's hands as they wait for the double French doors to open as they had last night, welcoming another night of fun.

"You going to show me your moves?" Brink's says to me in my ear over the chatter.

"Only the best," I joke.

He laughs and loops his arm around my bare shoulders. "Who are you looking for?"

My face pales for a moment as if I've been caught red handed. As I stutter up a response, Brink answers.

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