Five Walls

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"Hi Alex!" My best friend says enthusiastically. "Hey Jess" I mutter. "What's up with you today " Jess says kinda annoyed."I'm sorry Jess, it's just I had a nightmare last night and it's really creeping me out".
"Don't worry about it Alex it's just a dream" Jess says confidently, but I know she's in denial."you're right" I respond unwillingly. We sit through the rest of the ride in silence because Jess falls asleep in the middle of our cart. She usually doesn't have to deal with nightmares because she's too scared to sleep. I look out the window and stare at the faces that won't be alive in five months I wonder what they all think about me, they probably hate me just as I would if I were them. "Beep" the speed bus pulls up to the Privileged High School I wake up Jess and we are escorted by two security robots to the door we hand them our identification  and the doors open automatically as soon as we walk in we see the sign on the wall that states all the minuscule names of the Teen Division of the Privileged which consists of one million of the privileged population , the sign takes up five walls. I look at all the names that are scratched out and continue to my locker where me and Jess say goodbye. I head to my first class Astronomy.

In astronomy we learn about all the planets, especially Mars because that's the planet we will be escaping to, we also learn about all the technology we will be taking with us to aide us on our journey.

Classes continue for what seems like a whole day but we get out at 4:30 I meet Jess at the doors and we head to the speed bus again escorted by two security robots.

We look around cautiously making sure there's no rioters in the school grounds. We make it to the speed bus and hop into our cart as the speed bus starts to move.

"How was your day?" I ask Jess "Same old same old" she replies "what are you doing tonight ?" I ask as the speed bus pulls up to a different complex. " I'm reading as always" Jess says I ask her if she wants to go to the park instead, she doesn't. Sometimes I worry about her. I mean leaving our families was hard but I think it hit her harder then it hit me. Before we know it we're pulling up at our complex and the door of our cart opens up.

We hop out and walk to our separate room doors "bye!" I say cheerfully "bye."says Jess. Life as a Privileged is secluded for security reasons which makes it kinda lonely ,but I handle it. We all live in five people complexes with divided and locked rooms and once we go in them after school we can only go out once for Rec Hour when we can go anywhere in the Privileged Zone. I decided for tonight that I'd just stay inside and read one of my few books from home . So I grab my favourite 100 year old book titled The Hunger Games by: Sussane Collins even thought the Radiacs were environment destroying freaks their books were good . I start reading the first page and I smell the scent of old binding glue and the paper, paper is so rare these days that it cost about one dollar to five a page so I cherish the book so much. The other reason why I cherish it is because my mother gave it to me... ,the memory of my loving mother and my old life sends tears down my cheeks, I barely even remember what she looks like the tears fall on the book and I quickly hug it as if it was my mom I had no idea where she was and she could even be dead. The memory of my mother makes me think of my brother and father and hence began the balling, tears flew down my face in every direction my boring white pillow absorbing them with force. I miss them, I miss them so much.

Authors note:
Sorry I haven't wrote in awhile starting tomorrow I'm going to try doing daily uploads.

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