Ch2- Fallin' For You

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Things were moving fast. Just two weeks after the grocery store incident, Riker and I were... well... not exactly "boyfriend and girlfriend" but I was pretty sure we were together. We were like the same person. We hit it off on every level. We could stay up until the sunrise, talking on the phone, and not realize it. He was perfect. The weird thing was, I hadn't formally met his family yet. Or kissed him. 

Right now, Riker and I were sat on his living room couch at nearly midnight. It was raining and the last thing I wanted right now was to leave his arms and go home. His cheek rested on the top of my head. His thumb stroked my thigh slowly. 

"I have to go." I whispered.

"No you don't." he said softly in my ear. I wish he was right.

"Riker it's eleven forty five."


"So I have to go. My mom's gonna be pissed. My curfew's midnight."

"So stay til midnight." 

I scooted out of his lap carefully and faced him. "C'mon," I pleaded. "Drive me home, please." 

"Soon." He took my hand. "I just want to..." he looked down, focused, as if he were trying to think of words that just wouldn't come to him. "I..." he took a deep breath and pushed his lips against mine.

I froze for a fraction of a second before I remembered I had to participate in this whole "kissing" thing.  I pushed back into him and placed a hand on his chest. He broke the kiss and rested his forehead against mine. I smiled at him and he leaned in again. This time, our lips moved in rhythym to our syncopated heartbeats. He laid back and I settled myself on top of his chest. He nestled his hands in the curve of my lower back and pulled me tight to him. I bit down on his lip. Hard. He moaned loud and slid his tongue into my mouth. I shivered and sucked on his tongue gently. He moaned even louder. 

"You have a bedroom." I heard an unmistakable voice. Ross. 

"Shit," I murmured, looking up. Ross half-smiled awkwardly.


"Hi.." I slowly crawled off of Riker who sat up.

"Actually," Riker coughed. "Lilly here was about to go home."

I nodded dramatically. Ross raised an eyebrow.

"So I'm gonna drive her home." Riker stood up and grabbed his keys off the coffee table. I stood slowly.

Ross shrugged. "Whatever." He walked into the kitchen.

Riker placed a hand on my lower back and printed a short kiss on my lips. I walked with him out to the car. The rain had stopped but it was freezing. While he was unlocking the doors, I stood by him with my arms around myself. I shivered.

"Cold?" He smirked and took off his hoodie and wrapped it around my shoulders. I smiled and got into the car while he held the door open for me. 

"Thanks," I said as he started the car.

"No problem." he looked out the back windshield while he pulled out of the driveway. I watched the muscles in his neck flex and twist gracefully. I bit my lip.

"Hey, why haven't you introduced me to your family?" I said, before I realized the words came out of my mouth. 

He glanced at me and back to the road. "I don't really know. I guess I just didn't want to pressure you. Does it bother you? I can if you want."

I laid a hand on his leg. "You're really sweet. It would be pretty nice to meet them officially, though."

"Yeah. I guess you should meet them considering you're my girlfriend and whatnot."

My heart stopped. I swallowed hard. The car jerked to a stop in front of my house.

"Shit..." Riker murmured. "I just said that out loud, didn't I?"

I bit my lip and smiled. I nodded. He didn't look at me.

"Well... am I your girlfriend?" I said.

"I don't know. Are you?"

"If you want me to be..." He squeezed my hand. 

"Cmon. I'll walk you to the door." he got out and opened my door for me. I hopped out and held his hand as we walked up to my front door. We stopped and faced each other. Both of my hands were in his. He smiled down at me. "Goodnight, Lilly."

"Goodnight Riker." I kissed him and lingered for countless moments, letting the memory engrave itself in my brain. I took in everything. The sound of the birds in the trees behind us, the smell of his cologne, the sweet taste of his lips, his feeling of his heartbeat against my chest. 

And then I pulled away slowly and went inside. 


I was sitting on the couch in the living room, waiting, when I heard the front door at exactly 12:17.  I caught a glimpse of her in the hallway and turned off the TV. 

"Where have you been?!" I whisper screamed, catching up to her in our shared bedroom.

"Riker's?" She looked at me. "Duh?"

"Well yeah." I rolled my eyes. "Why are you late?!"

"Cause we weren't paying attention to the clock, damn..." she set her purse down on her desk and took off her jeans, picking up a pair of pajama pants. 

I scoffed. "You fucked him, didn't you?"

"No!" She almost screamed. "We haven't even kissed! Well..." her cheeks reddened. "Before tonight."

"No way." I coulnd't help it; I stared at her like she had just morphed into Perrie Edwards. "No. way."

She nodded fast, sinking down onto her bed. I sat on mine. 

"We're official, Cassie." She said. I stifled a scream and I teared up.  "Oh shush," she walked over to me and rubbed my back. I wiped the tears out of my eyes before they could spill over onto my cheeks. 

"You're just so lucky," I sobbed. "I can't get a boy to glance in my direction." 

"Oh Cassie," she sighed. "You are the most beautiful person I know. And I'm postitive as soon as you let someone close enough to get to know you like I do, they will fall madly in love with you. Who knows. Maybe It'll be someone you've been crushing on for years."

I chuckled. "Like Ross Lynch."

She gasped quietly. "Actually... I could-"

"No. Nope. Nope Nope Nopity Nope." I  shook my head. "I shouldn't have brought it up. Go to sleep Lilly. I love you, goodnight!"

I turned off the lights and she laughed and went over to her own bed. 

"Goodnight, Cass."

[Chapter Title: Fallin' For You- by R5]

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