Ch3- Nobody Compares

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I woke up Sunday morning- almost a week later- and stretched. I got up and shuffled to the bathroom slowly, rubbing my eyes. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and stared at myself in the mirror. 

Today was the day I would meet the Lynch Family. 

I scrubbed my face clean and applied a thin layer of foundation. I put on my eyeliner four times because I kept screwing up and washing it off. 

"Cassie!" I groaned before I remembered it was seven in the morning and she was passed out still. I decided to wait until she woke up to have her help me with my makeup. For now, breakfast was caling. I ran downstairs and threw two pieces of toast in the toaster. I mixed up coffee with cream and sugar and then my toast popped. I had this morning routine timed perfectly. I spread nutella on the toast and plopped onto the couch with my breakfast and clicked on the TV. Girl Code. Perfect.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and started playing the chorus of California Sky by Greyson Chance.

"You've got Lilly." I said in the cheesiest voice possible. It always made Riker laugh.

"Hey babe," he chuckled. "Ready to meet the fam?" 

I bit my lip. "Maybe."

"Don't be nervous." I could hear the smile in his voice. "We're just getting lunch. I'll pick you up at 11:30 okay?" 


"I-" he coughed ".... bye."

My words caught in my throat.  "Bye."

He hung up.

"Morning," Cassie walked in yawning and rubbing her eyes. 

"Cassie," I whispered. "I'm scared."

"Scared of what?" She said lazily. "You're not pregnant are you?"

"No," I laughed. "Much much worse. I'm meeting Riker's family today."

"Shut up," she said. "That is NOT scary. You already know everything about them."

"Thats the scary part... I already know them but they don't know me. It's gonna be weird!" I motioned with my hands wildly. "'Hi I'm Rydel' 'Oh I know. I'm Lilly, by the way.'"

Cassie chuckled. "Well it doesn't have to go down like that."

"Well how else is it gonna go down, Cass?! We're going out for lunch and I'm going to have absolutely nothing to say to them!" I was panicking. I began to hyperventilate. 

"Lilly calm down." She rubbed my back soothingly. "They'll ask you stuff about yourself and all you'll have to do is spit out answers. Deep breaths, honey. Deep breaths."

I took ten deep breaths and nodded. "I'm okay. I'm okay."

"Good. Now let me braid your hair."

"You look.... stunning." Riker said when I opened the door. I blushed intensely. Outfitwise, I'd decided on jeans and a pink tank top with a glittery heart printed on it. Cassie told me to wear one of my R5 shirts but I decided that'd probably creep them out. She braided my hair in a diagonal, french fishtail across my head and over my left shoulder. The girl had talent.

"Thank you," I gushed after he kissed me. Cassie gasped audibly and ran over to us from the kitchen. 

"I saw that!" She yelled. Riker and I held back giggles. "Do it again!"

We kissed.

"Oh my god. Oh my god." She clutched her temples. "This is not happening..."

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