LED screens
LCD Screens
Touch and swipe screens
Whatever happen to going out
and applying sun screen
snap chatting and unfriending
Whatever happen to going out
and just simply talking
following, and posting
what happen to going out
and actually learning.
A comment page will show the faceless
blameless and of course baseless
Watch twitter and see how contagious
and tasteless hate is out there.
Your heart will say it is outrageous
but your mind will say its just the usual
Nothing new, just juvenile, and suitable
But shall we make hate so institutional
Allow it to climb the capital hill
and make it into a landfill of what we once was
A charismatic comb over man
who is undiplomatic, enigmatic
and who is not emblematic of compassion
dignity, liberty, or even integrity.
Rather he is the banner of bigotry
inconsistency , and irresponsibility.
Yet don't mind me
go on with your day
Live your life.
Answer that text.
Photograph your food
watch that cat video
While the world eludes you
Fat cats, with their top hats
sitting on huge money stacks
avoiding taxes, telling us all to relax
But we swipe left or right
Like and dislike; friends break out in a fight
Comment pages , the youth engages
struggling with low wages as political feuds rages
and even refuses the fact of climates changes
Increased ocean side property
water engulfs our lady liberty
Media snuffed out, discredited
of their reliability and discouraged
of their responsibility
Twitter follower
won't even bother fact checking the blogger
who contribute with the social slaughter
Up on the highest podium crying like a toddler
Yet don't mind me
go on with your day
Live your life.
Answer that text.
Photograph your food
watch that cat video
While the world eludes you