Episode 2 -Scene-2

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"Sorry for 6 Msd calls. U must think m crzy"

Although, I was feeling kind of weird and nice at the same time, I replied her saying that I wasn't. I thought I played cool.

"Nah! Shraddha! Why would I think you crazy?"

I am excited to meet you too" Let's meet tomorrow morning at 7. What say?

A message popped.

Great! C ya then

I was expecting that she would talk with me in Viber that night, but she didn't even respond. I was amazed, but I took it easy. It was not my first experience with a girl. I knew where the road would take me.

I wondered if I was ready to be sorry for mistakes I have never done and even thought, if I can tolerate all verbiages.

Down the road, I have too!

I wish I could live my life without marrying.

I have no idea when I fell asleep. I woke up at 6:30 am only to realize that I do not have much time to get ready.

It was the first time I was going to meet this Nabil girl, and I have no time to prepare myself.

There is nothing much I can do to improve the way I look, though!

Myan! This beard never looked this ugly.

Should I cut it? Should I look like a clean-managed guy or should appear bold with beard?

Guys always feel much more comfortable and bold with beard, at least I do. I have no idea why my sisters and aunts or any girl who came in my life, hated beard. Is it because they are pretty jealous that they can't grow one or is it because they really hate it? –kind of mystery!

In the meantime, my roommate exaggerated the scenario. They started to make stories, and some part of them were really gross-way too much. Although, they were happy for me-because they knew I was going through some bad times lately.

May be that's what good with having friends. Most of the things that you talk with your besties are jargons, but eventually, they are the one whom you can turn around and ask for help when the whole world is against you. They will never leave you unsettled!

I just did some touch work on my beard and rushed to the Kausaltar. My friends gave me too much confidence, I thought. Her six missed calls, and her message had given me extra confidence. I felt like the ball is in my court.

It takes exactly 10 minutes from my room to the junction. I made sure that I do not look over-excited as I did not want her to feel like I wanted to meet her as hardly as she wanted to meet me. About her wanting to meet me, it was my assumption!

It was exactly 7:05. We had agreed to meet on 7. I waited for her.

The Araniko highway that passes through my city ultimately ends in the border of China –Khasa! Since she didn't show up exactly on time, I got some time to get philosophical. I looked around to see how everyone of them walking on the street was pretty busy with their own life. They had their own universe to take care of. They had no idea that this could be the moment-that moment where I could tell my kids the legendary story of "How I met their mother." Perhaps that is the story of everyone's life. Everybody has their own Nabil girl. Some get to live with them, some have to let her go!

It was 7:20 and still she didn't show up.

If I was this late, I am sure she would have shown her tantrum.

I went into the "Aakash Sweet and Chat" and ordered a black tea. Aakash Sweet and chat is one of the favorite sweet houses in Kausaltar. We often crashed with our friends in this and have our talks. Never underestimate this place. From generating Ideas for the thesis to the ideas for jobs, all have come-up while drinking tea with my friends here.

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