Chapter 5: Liberations in the Definition of Reigning

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It had only dawned on me now had dark it had gotten. We got Loki cuffed and bolted onto the ship and started for the Hellcarrier. I felt so uneasy on this ship right now. A man hell-bent on destroying earth, and he’s only four feet away from me. It sent shivers up my spine and I couldn’t spend a second not staring at him to make sure he didn’t have the jump on me.

‘I don’t like it’ Rogers said to me and Tony.
‘What, the rock of ages giving up so easily?’ Tony remarked.
‘No, I don’t remember it being that easy. This guy packs a wallop’ Rogers said uneasily.
‘That’s an understatement’ I add.
‘Well you were pretty spry for an older fellow. What’s your thing palliates?’ I rolled my eyes

‘What?’ he asked.
‘It’s like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple of things, doing time as a Capsicle’ Tony jeered. Rogers gave a frustrated look. I could tell they weren’t besties.
‘Fury didn’t tell me he was calling you in’ Rogers snapped.
‘Yeah, there’s a lot of things Fury doesn’t tell you’ Tony said
‘Girls not here’ I said breaking them up. Before either of them could retort, an almighty clap of thunder, shook the ship, Romanoff shifted nervously in her seat.
‘Where’s this coming from?’ she said. I looked to the sky. Rogers and Tony looked to Loki who seemed to be worried himself.
‘What’s the matter? Scared of a little lightning?’ Rogers said to Loki.
‘I didn’t think Gods of Mischief got scared’ I added in. Loki pierced my skin with his sharp eyes this only made me fear him even more.
‘I’m not overly fond of what follows’ Loki responded. We all gave each other a look of concern.

The whole ship shifted as something landed heavily on top. I leant on my Dad as we all sort of shifted. Tony put his Ironman helmet on and opened the hatch. A huge man, with blonde hair crashed on the hatch door. Before I knew what I was doing I clutched Rogers’ wrist. I hated human contact and I didn’t know what the hell overcame me. I reached back and scratched at my palm nervously. Tony put his hand up to hit the guy, but he smashed his hammer square onto Tony’s chest, he went flying back. The man grabbed for the front of Loki’s shirt he pulled him from the harness and jumped from the ship.
‘And now there’s that guy’ Tony sneered.
‘That’s something you don’t see every day’ I shouted above the thump of the high altitude winds.
‘Another Asgardian?’ Romanoff yelled behind her.
‘Think he’s a friendly?’ Rogers asked Tony. I saw that my Dad had now stepped closer to the hatch door.
‘It doesn’t matter. If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract is lost’
‘Stark, we need a plan of attack’ Rogers suggested. But my Dad was having none of it.
‘I have a plan, attack!’ he was then gone in a flash of fire.
‘Well can’t say you didn’t try, but hey he’s arrogant’ I said. Rogers snatched a parachute and began to strap it to himself.
‘I sit this one out Cap’ Romanoff suggested.

‘Don’t see how I can’ he said.
‘These guys come from legends they’re basically gods’ I stepped out onto the lip of the hatch with Rogers.
‘There’s only one god ma’am and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t dress like that’

He dived out of the ship and I followed gliding easily. We rushed down through the cold air. I saw a forest and high perch. I landed safely and looked around. I saw Rogers has landed quite safe too, he had landed about fifty metres from me.

But then I heard metal against metal a little way away from me. I hovered to get a better look. It was hilarious to find my father smash into Thor Odinson
‘Do not touch me again’ Thor warned. Tony flipped up his helmet.
‘Then don’t take my stuff’ I leant against the tree. Now this was a match.
‘You have no idea what you’re dealing with’ Thor said again. I felt a huge hand clap on my shoulder.
‘Are you alright Miss Stark?’ the Captain said behind me. I put my hand on his
‘Never better’ I chirped.

‘Uh… Shakespeare in the park? Doth mother know your wearth her drapes’ Tony said in the worst attempt of as British accent possible. Rogers was about to attack.
‘No, no wait this is pretty funny’ I said, putting my hand out to stop him.
‘This is beyond you metal man. Loki will face Asgardian justice’ Thor boomed.
‘Too right’ I mumbled. Rogers gave a slight laugh.
‘He gives up the cube he’s all yours’ my Dad reasoned. ‘Until then’ he flipped his mask down. ‘Stay out of the way.’ He went to walk away when he seethed “tourist” under his breath. Thor chucked his hammer into Dad, and the fight broke out between them. Thor and Dad seemed pretty oblivious to the damage they were doing to the forest, either that or they didn’t really give a rip.

‘Miss Stark’ the Captain started.
‘Yep, I’m moving’ we started to run to see if we could get to a better view, and stop the two children before they broke something more valuable than the woods. We climbed onto a huge broken tree. Thor conjured lightning and beat it into Dad. I could almost see the grin on Tony’s face as he noticed JARVIS say “four hundred percent capacity”. But it didn’t end there. Thor and Dad were at it like bratty children. Throwing punches and almost pulling each other apart. Steve wouldn’t take it anymore.
 He threw his shield and it bounced off both Thor and Tony and right back to his hand.
‘That’s enough’ he ordered. They stopped and looked to me. Steve jumped and landed on the ground, I followed suite
‘Now, I don’t know what you plan on doing here’ Steve asked Thor.
‘I’ve come to put an end to Loki’s schemes!’ Thor shouted he looked pretty fired up.

‘Then prove it. Put that hammer down’ Steve ordered. I gave him a frightened look. He had gut asking a god to surrender.
‘Uh yeah no, bad call, he loves his hammer’ Thor wrenched back and hit Dad directly in the chest, he went flying back.
‘You want me to put the hammer down!!’ Thor roared. He leapt up in the air. Steve grabbed my waist, we knelt down and Steve placed the shield over us. Thor’s hammer came down on us so hard, we were all knocked back by the sheer force of metal against metal. My head was knocked on the ground. Everyone stood up and gave each other awkward looks.
‘Are we done here?’ Steve asked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
‘Boys!’ I scolded. Everyone stared at me.

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