A good feeling

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When the alarm set off, Annabelle jumped in her bed waking up from the little sleep she had. When the sun had finally illuminated the dark sky and the silence of the night was slowly replaced by morning rush, she decided, that she won't get any nightmares tonight and curled up in a little ball under the blankets, as if she was still five years old and the covers would defend her from any evil that was out there, lurking in the shadows, waiting for their chance to catch her and drag her to the pits of hell. At first, she felt annoyed by the sudden interruption only to remember that today is the day she waited for a long time. So she sat up and rubbed her eyes, desperately trying to wake up, but felt a sudden urge to puke and ran to the bathroom before her dinner ended on the floor. She barely made it as the disgusting liquid escaped her mouth, burning her throat. Annabelle frowned. Things like this only happened when she drank too much.

After the strange incident, Annabelle proceeded her morning routine by taking a nice hot shower and doing her make up. She didn't want to stop along the way to throw up, so she only drank some water and headed out. Her heart was beating fast all this time.

When she reached the airport it was still 11:30 p.m. Annabelle knew her friend very well, so she immediately went to a shop and bought her some sandwiches. Diana had to eat healthy, yes, but a couple sandwiches wont hurt her. And then the waiting part came. She sat on one of the benches not far from the arriving area and finally, after such a long time, she logged in to her Facebook to see whats new. Of course it was filled with her friends posting pictures of their weddings and their children, but what caught Annabelle's attention was the group that she was added in. The group was created by someone she didn't know and concluded only with people from her high school. It was named "Sarah's Fulton death".

Annabelle immediately remembered what happened to that girl a couple days ago and became even more interested in what these people wanted to say about it. So she scrolled down to look for something interesting when she noticed that a woman named Lea Abel had posted something.

"So sad to see her die in such a horrible way. She was a very nice person and didn't deserve that. I wish lots of happiness and strength to her family and I hope that the murderer will be caught soon."

- Yeah, right, - Annabelle whispers.

She could clearly remember the two of them, who often competed against each other for the "Most popular girl" name in high school and once even had a fight. They couldn't stand each other, often sent glares and were the high schools' bitches. Everyone knew they were bullies and liked to make fun of others, especially Annabelle, but look at this. Lea is saying that Sarah was a nice person? If Annabelle didn't know them, she would think that the two of them actually changed.

She read the comments and giggled along the way. Everyone said the same thing, even the ones that hated Sarah in high school, that she was very nice, that she didn't deserve that and that the killer must be caught. It looked like when Sarah died, everyone forgot about all the horrible things she had done and only remembered her good traits, though there weren't a lot of them considering the fact, that everything that anyone wrote were the same things only in different words. It's strange how today's world is filled with fake people, though Neil Strauss said the truth "Everyone loves you when you're dead".

- ANNABELLE MAY ARCHER, GET YOUR ASS OF THE BENCH AND COME HELP ME, - someone shouted across the waiting hall and Annabelle's head immediately shot up.

She stood up and just in time, because her friend ran up to her and jumped, hugging her and wrapping her legs around her waist, leaving Annabelle to hold up all Diana's weight and almost falling to the ground. Diana buried her face in Annabelle's hair and twirled a little bit, expressing her happiness. After a couple minutes of squeaking and trying not to choke each other with strong hugs, Diana finally got down on her own feet and Annabelle studied her friends face.

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