A friend for a lifetime

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Annabelle wanders the empty hallways of today's modern hell - high school. It's been almost a month since the new school year has started, yet she still sits alone during lunch and spends her breaks in the library reading books. The kids here aren't that friendly like they used to be in her old school, even though she was an outsider in both places. But Annabelle hated high school not because of the people or the things she had to go through, but because of the system.

In high school, teenagers are forced to learn things they won't use in the future, but they miss the most important parts that are needed for a basic living. How to pay taxes, what are human rights? Annabelle had no idea. And the fact, that everyday after school she was forced to spend more hours doing homework made her extremely annoyed. But the most horrible thing was that school put her in to frames. She had to do everything the way others wanted her to, she had to correct her drawings, because the teacher didn't like it, she had to rewrite her essay, because how she portrayed the atmosphere wasn't good enough. School took kids and made them in to soldiers. And that made Annabelle really furious.

So because of that, she stopped attending lessons she didn't like and spent more time reading. She thought that that would make her a greater person than teachers. Of course, her parents weren't pleased with such behavior and opinion, but why should she care? She was still young and had her whole future in front of her. In order to do what she wants, first she needs to survive this hell.

But it wasn't as easy as she thought it would be. Teenager's are ruthless. They do not care who you are or why you look like that. They only care about what they see. And if they don't like the view, they attack that person, like wild animals, thirsty for blood.

It was obvious that Annabelle didn't fit in at all, so of course others liked to pick on her, calling her names and sometimes shoving her in to lockers. But she didn't care. Even though it sometimes hurt, Annabelle tried to ignore all of it.

What made her sad though was the fact, that her beloved brother didn't even lift a finger to protect her. Liam always saw others bullying her, but he never said a thing to stop them. In fact, sometimes he laughed along with others. No one actually knew, that they were family, since Liam told her to stay quiet. He was ashamed of his sister and it hurt her so much. Annabelle loved her big brother, but it seemed, that he didn't love her.

There was another person in school that Annabelle disliked. Her name was Diana, a full of herself bitch. She would always laugh and look in the mirror, admiring herself, always smiling and pretending to be friendly, but was a total bitch with others, who were less popular than her. She was in the same year as Annabelle, so of course they had a couple classes together, but still, Diana had no idea she existed. Until last week, when they were put together to do a project. That's when Annabelle found out that this girl was a complete fake.

- So you just do it and put my name in it or something, - Diana waves her hand, telling Annabelle to go away.

- Why should I? If you're not going to do anything, I'm going to give all the credit to myself, - she replies, glaring.

- Is it so hard to write in my name?

- No, it's hard to do everything when I only need to do half of it.

- Fine, - Diana sighs. - Just send me my information and I'll do what I need to do. Jeez.

- Find the information yourself, - Annabelle says coldly and then walks away.

- Hey! Where do you think you're going?! I'm not done talking! - Diana shouts, but Annabelle ignores her.

Of course, they did the project they needed and got an A on it, but since that day, the both of them have been sending deadly glares to each other. Oh, if only looks could kill. What was even worse was that it looked like Liam had a crush on that girl. But what Annabelle couldn't understand was why? Sure, she was pretty with her long light brown hair and blue eyes. Sure, she had a great figure, with all womanly lines and long legs and big boobs and big butt, and sure she had a charming smile, but that was all there is. Inside, she was a complete witch, with a dark soul and a rotten heart. But it seemed like Annabelle was the only one who could see her true face. And she hated that.

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