CHAPTER 1: Go set a watchman, and let him declare what he seethe

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[A/N:] This part of the story is important for you to read because it's the history of the Avalon Empire. So please read before jumping into the other chapters hahaha thank you. :) 

[4,000 B.C]

                I know how you came to be here

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I know how you came to be here.

You traveled to the Southernmost town of the land once called the Empire of Mer Caelin, the greatest of the Seven Empire, went further south for three more days, crossed the river of Shinoa, walked another day, and came to what people call Thorn Forest. It had another name, once upon a time, but say Thorn Forest and everyone knows of which forest you speak. It is composed mostly of giant trees with equally giant razor-sharp thorns.

You came here because you heard legends says that somewhere in Mer Caelin, hidden in another far more secret forest, the Fortress of Mer Caelin still stands. Many poor soul has braved the forest to seek its location, only to turn back, broken and bleeding. Majority of them, unluckily, they never come back. Not only penniless fortune hunters, but great kings, vampires, sorcerers, witches, and werewolves from faraway lands. For as the legends have it, Mer Caelin's greatest treasure lies in the lowermost room of its deepest cavern. They say Empess Victoria, most powerful vampire in the Seven Empires, still subsists there; forever young and beautiful. Victoria, blessed by twelve Vulturi, cursed by an evil one, and heir to the throne of Mer Caelin. And only the Sorceress of Thorn Forest knows where the Fortress of Mer Caelin lies.

                I have heard what people say about her

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I have heard what people say about her. People do not watch their tongues in front of stone statues; there is no need. But stone ears still hear, stone eyes still see, and we remember better than those who still wear flesh and bone. But you, too, will learn this soon enough. That is, if she allows you to stay.

Some say she is mad. Some say she is evil. Still others, more charitably, say she is simply very old and bitter. She spends her days weaving spells to hunt flesh, to make you lose your way in the forest, suck your blood and fall to your death in her arms. She will not help you of her own volition, and will most likely turn you to stone at your slightest misstep. But she is bound, as all are in the Empire, and if you ask the right question in the proper manner, she is compelled to answer.

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