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My name is Andrea Youth, or so I thought that was my name. I am 17 years old and this my story on how I found out who I really was. Ever since I was around five I remember my parents arguing because my father would always come home drunk, they'd go back and forth yelling, but after some begging and getting help he slowly started to change. I never had much friends because we would move around a lot adjusting to my father's crazy job but when he finally told my mother and I we'd be settling down for four years I was beyond grateful, that meant I could actually start and finish my high school year in one school. It wasn't easy, I would always worry about one day my father coming home and saying we'd have to pack our stuff and move again but when I finally became use to it is when everything changed. I made so many friends, I met a guy I would soon love, and I found out the truth.

I am living with my kidnappers.

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