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"Babe, babe, wake up baby"


"Babe wake up I have breakfast for you."

"Mmm, good morning." I get up a bit and stretch as Xavier leans down and kisses my forehead, "why aren't we having breakfast with Ari and Nelson?"

"Nelson wanted to take her out for breakfast, but come on go brush your teeth our food's going to get cold."

"Alright baby, thank you, you're adorable." I get up from the bed and make my way to the bathroom and Xavier follows behind me.

"Nelson wants to know if it's okay if Ariana joins us today because she doesn't have work."

"Of course! What are we doing anyways?"

"We're going to meet Nelson's family, or more like you're going to meet them. It's his little brother's birthday today."

"Aw that's so cute! I can't believe he brought us up here with him!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," I wash my face and we head back into the room, "he doesn't see his family as often and it's a special day and he brought us up here with him."

"Ohh, well you shouldn't be surprised you know how he is."

"Yeah that's true, but hey ba-"

"Sorry, one second." He takes his phone and leaves the room. I sigh and wait for him to continue eating breakfast. When I'm about to get up with both our plates he walks in the room. "Wait, what are you doing?"

"Food got cold."

"I'm so sorry let me go heat it up for us." He takes the plates from my hands and I just plunge myself in bed. "What's wrong princesa?"

"You just seem so busy when we're suppose to be having a good time out here with Nelson, but then again he seems so busy too."

He opens his mouth to say something but gives me a soft smile, "I'll heat up our food and I promise today will be a good day, no distractions, just us with friends and family okay?"

I nod and he rushes over to kiss my forehead and leaves quickly to heat up the food. I lay back in bed and start scrolling through Instagram and watching stories on snapchat. I see that Xavier has posted something on snapchat but when I go look it's gone.

"I swear he better have not posted a picture of me sleeping."

I get up from bed and bring my bag up on the bed and start looking for an outfit.

"Here we go! Babe, we can choose your outfit later it's eleven in the morning!"

"I just don't know what I'm suppose to wear to meet Nelson's family! I would've brought a dress or something!"

He rolls his eyes and passes me my plate and places the coffee cups on the nightstand. "Would it make you feel better if we went out to buy you something?"

"No!! Nevermind I'll-"

"Nope, after breakfast we'll go to the mall and get you a little something."

"But we don't have a car, Nelson-"

"Nelson took Ari's car. The reason we gave her a ride home yesterday is because she usually just walks to work."

"Ohhh, pass me my coffee please." I take a sip of my coffee and pass it back to Xavier, "Alright, if you're okay with it then sure lets go get something."

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