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|| 9: 08 p.m. ||

in a world full of bitterness, people trying to fit in and stand out less, luke still believed he was put in this world for a reason. even if that reason wasn't clear yet, he could almost feel it coming. the feeling spreading through his body like a wildfire.

he drives down the roads of los angeles, his windows rolled down as he inhales the smell of the ocean in the distance. he's playing tidal wave on the radio by interpol, feeling like the song fits with the atmosphere.

strands of his hair fly into his face, the warm, night air hits his body as the city lights light up the streets. this is where he wanted to be his whole life. this is where he plans to stay.

while driving, he seems to run over something loose on the road that he couldn't catch a glimpse of. the car slows down, the smooth ride turning into more of a bumpy one.

"shit," luke curses under his breath, pulling off to the side of the road. there are other cars driving by as he exits the car, examining the tires only coming to the conclusion that one of them is flat.

"no, no, no," luke repeats to himself, running his fingers through his knotty hair as he digs his nails into his head, tugging at the blonde roots.

he pulls his phone out from his back pocket, clicking on a few buttons, but soon remembers it's dead. he mumbles a few incoherent words under his breath, wondering how out of all the time he had in his life, this could be happening to him right now when he had to be in san francisco by tomorrow.

he licks over his dried, chewed on lips as his eyes scan the road. he looks for any sign of help, trying to find anyone who would have a working cellphone.

to his luck, a car pulled over behind him. usually on the streets of california, no one would dare to stop and help. it wasn't the way things worked. people minded their own business, pretending like they don't even see a broken down car on the side of the road with a hopeless boy standing next to it. so, to say the least, luke it utterly shocked when he sees someone is willing to take their time to pull over.

with tinted windows, luke couldn't see anyone inside of the car. he squinted his eyes, resting his body against his own car as he crossed his arms over his chest.

it doesn't take to long before someone steps out, a boy, to be specific. he looks to be around luke's age, his attire being a pair of baggy basketball shorts and a muscle-tee.

"everything okay?" he asks, his shoes dragging along the pavement as he slowly walks towards luke.

luke shrugs, "just having some car trouble."

he nods, his lips set in a thin line. luke examines the stranger, his eyes wandering up and down his body. he can't help but to look at the many tattoos scattered on his arms and the way they seem to perfectly fit in with his porcelain skin. he gets so distracted he almost misses the boy talk.

"have you called my for any help yet?" he questions, not noticing the stare he was receiving from the blonde.

"no, my phone is dead," luke responds quickly.

"where you heading to?"

"san francisco."

the boy bites his naturally red lip, tugging on it between his teeth, "you still have a good bit of a drive ahead of you."

"I know, I have to be there by tomorrow morning to take photos at a photoshoot," luke informs him, shoving his hands into the front pockets of his jeans.

and just standing here, luke finds the boy very attractive. with his broad shoulders and muscular frame. luke is almost happy his car got a flat, otherwise he would never be able to say he met such an attractive person.

"this may sound completely idiotic, but I could take you there," he offers, thinking that a road trip, even with someone he just met, could be a good time.

luke's eyebrows scrunch together at the idea, agreeing that it sounded completely idiotic, "I should just call for help and have it fixed."

"that could take forever around here," he says, swinging his keys around his finger, "you can easily get there by tomorrow if you let me take you there."

luke was waiting for him to laugh, to tell him it was only a joke, but he never got that, "I would, it's just — I just don't know who you are or anything about you."

"my name is michael clifford, I'm a surf instructor around this area, I'm originally from australia, but moved here when I was eighteen. my favorite color is blue, like the blue in a night sky, and I have a perfectly fine car that can get you to san francisco."

luke rolls his eyes, wishing that is was just that easy to get to know someone and trust them enough where he could get in a car with him.

luke vigorously shakes his head, "I don't want you going out of your way for me."

"im not, you will actually be doing me a favor."

"a favor?"

"yeah, it's difficult making real friends around here, so it would be nice to get away for a few hours," michael smiles small, his lips spreading upwards.

luke could agree with that. he has been here for a month and he finds it hard to make friends, so he sees where michael is coming from. he's torn in this situation, debating whether he should get in the car with michael, or call and wait for someone to come and fix his tire.

luke opens his car door, reaching inside as he grabs his duffel bag, swinging it over his shoulder. a tight smile appears on his lips momentarily.

"I'm luke, by the way, and I guess we are going on a road trip together."

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