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|| 10:49 p.m. ||

a quite tune plays on the radio. michael hums along, tapping his finger against the steering wheel along to the beat of the music that plays throughout the car.

every now and then, luke would secretly steal a few glances at the boy who is driving. he tries to make it so michael doesn't notice, but when he accidentally stares for a second to long, michael smiles, looking at luke through the corner of his eyes which only causes a pit of embarrassment in luke and his cheeks heating up drastically.

"so, you like taking pictures?"

it's a bit of an out of the blue question, since the two have had a lack of talking to far, but luke doesn't mind since it was michael being the one to start a conversation.

"uh, I guess you could say that," luke crosses his feet over each other, trying to find a comfortable position, "I like capturing people doing what they love, then letting them see how happy they look doing it."

michael slowly nods, his eyes staying focused on the long road ahead of him, "doesn't that ever get.." he pauses, thinking of the right word that wouldn't sound offensive, "dull? I mean, you snap a handful of pictures for someone, isn't there anything else you rather do?"

luke shrugs, playing with a loose thread on the hem of his shirt, "I enjoy doing it, so no, there's not really anything else I would do."

"well if you enjoy it then that's all that really matters."

"what about you? do you enjoy teaching people how to surf?" luke questions, taking this time to look over at michael as he waits for an answer.

"I love it," michael says almost instantly, "I like being able to help people and do something I love all together."

luke is having a hard time picturing michael as a surfer. he's fit enough to be one, but definitely not at tan as most, not that it mattered. he imagined surfers with shoulder length curly hair, while michael had short black hair.

"you ever surf before?" michael asks.

luke huffs, "no, i never liked the water," he admits.

a flash of confusion crosses over michael's face. he never understood how someone couldn't like the water. he absolutely loved it, "why not?"

luke let out a long breath, his eyes adverting out the window and watching the cars pass, "the immensity of it scares me. the unknown and the vastness of it. I don't know, it sounds stupid."

when luke said he didn't like the water, michael would have guessed it was because of sharks or jellyfish. he never thought about someone being scared of the immensity.

"do you mind if we make a stop on the way?"

"I guess not," luke says, "where to?"

"the beach."

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