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|| 12:03 a.m. ||

luke bit on the inside of his cheek as he tried to make it not so obvious that he was watching michael change into a dry pair of clothes.

as he was changing, luke noticed a few more tattoos on his body. usually, luke wasn't one to like the way tattoos looked, but on michael, he seemed to make them work perfectly. they fit how he was and how he acted.

"why do you have so many tattoos?" luke questions, running his hands through the soft sand.

michael slips his shirt on over his head, letting it cover his torso, "I like to think that my body is a canvas, not just mine, but everyone's, and I like to put art on it."

luke grabs a handful of sand, letting the tiny pieces fall between his fingers, "do any of them have a meaning?"

"they all do," michael replies, making his way towards luke and taking a seat beside him on the ground, "like this one on the inside of my arm, it's a symbol that means strength. when I was little, my dad use to hurt my mum when he was drunk, which was all the time. I would lock myself in my room when it was happening, being a coward and not even trying to help her."

luke frowns as he listens. there's so much he doesn't know about the boy next to him. he would have never thought something like that would happen him with how happy he seemed now.

"you were just a kid, there was nothing you could do."

"I knew that, but I did something anyways. I told him to stop one day and he didn't like that very much. I have a tiny scar on my forehead from him throwing one of his beer bottles at me. when I got to about the age of fifteen, I ended up calling the cops on him and he got arrested."

luke could tell michael was becoming more sad the more he talked about it. he pulled his legs close to his chest, resting his chin onto his knee.

"I never thought about getting a tattoo," luke changes the subject, deciding it was the best idea for now.

out of the corner of his eye, luke can see michael look at him, "it's a big decision, getting something permanent on your body."

luke nods, pursing his lips together, "we should get going now. I had enough of the beach for tonight."

"let's go then."

+ + +

if you have not yet, I advise listening to the hand 'brand new' they will blow your mind with how amazing they are... by far one of my fav bands

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