Chapter Six: The Call

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"Sometimes bad things happen, when you try to do something good."

~Diana Peterfreund

"Hello, yes this is Black Wolf; you assigned Agent Vixen four eight, the area around Project 65?"

"Waiting for confirmation... Voice recognized. Please complete the retinal scan." A mechanical voice came from the other end of Black Wolfs phone. He held the phone up to his eye, for the retinal scan.

"Scan complete." Another voice came on the other end.

"Black Wolf, come in."

"Yes, this is Black Wolf reporting. Was Agent Vixen four eight assigned Project 65?"

"That information is private Black Wolf, anything else." The voice replied bluntly.

"Was Yellow Eagle, assigned Project 65?" Black Wolf asked getting slightly frustrated.

"That information is private Black Wolf."

"Good lord! The kid is in my troop, this is a life and death situation! Get me the Head Chief NOW!" ordered Black Wolf, not used being said no to from agents in lower rank then him.

After a few minutes pause, a deep almost dead sounding voice came from the other end. Even though Black Wolf had spoken to the Head Chief plenty of times, his voice still sent chills down his spine. "If evil dead people could talk, this is what they would sound like," was his thought every time he heard Chief speak.

"You asked for me, Black Wolfff." Chief said as he exhaled on the 'f' in wolf.

"Yes sir! I wanted clearance, in order to check if Agent Vixen four eight, and Yellow Eagle were assigned Project 65."

"And why do you want clearance for such purpose. Are the two co-workers Vixen and Wolf keeping secrets?"

"No, sir. I wanted to know if Yellow Eagle was assigned the same area as Black Vixen. Yellow Eagle disappeared in around that area Chief." Black Wolf wasn't sure the Chief knew or cared for that matter.

He had a million other people for the job. One lost trooper didn't matter to him. But Black Vixen was an important to the Agency. Vixen carried many secrets with her, if someone caught her, she would be in extreme danger along with the rest of them.

"Wolf, are you telling me you are worried about Vixen? Surely you aren't breaking the Code. Number 102; never get too attached with your surrounding agents. The consequences are very high, for breaking the Code Damiano, always remember that. And to answer your question, yes Victoria was assigned that. And do you want to know why?" The Chief didn't bother to use their code names. Damiano remained silent.

"Do YOU want to know WHY?" The chief demanded again.

"Yes sir."

"Because she is BETTER than you. She knows the costs, while you merely play with them. And she didn't fail capturing her targets, while you did. She agreed to do as I told her, while you defied me!

" She knew why they deserved what they got, while you tried to defend them. Now tell me Damiano why are you still with the agency? Tell me!" The chief went on snarling the words, and without waiting for a reply he went on.

"You. Are. Only. Here Because. She. Wanted, to work with YOU! She refused the my best agents and she picked you! You're only staying here by the thread of a string. Make one wrong move and even your precious 'Vixen' can't save you." With that said the Chief cut the call. Damiano just stared at the forest where Victoria was assigned to go in. Never before had a forrest looked so unwelcoming.

Damiano knew this was no normal Assignment. Those didn't have coded names, they were just as they were. But this, this had a name; Project 65.

A hurricane of thoughts were running through Damianos as he went to find Victoria and try and talk some sense into to her. But he knew it was useless, once she set her mind to do something, nothing stood in her way. Nothing.

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