Chapter Seven: Two Months Ago

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"The best kiss is the one that has been exchanged a thousand times between the eyes before it reaches the lips"

                                                                                                      ~Ann Beasley 

"Do you want me to come with?" Victoria mimicked Damianos earlier words. "Why yes Damiano I want you to come because I mean its not like I can bloody well take care of myself. 

"In fact why don't you do everything for me? Go ahead you can even breath for me, I mean god forbid I might not know how to do that.

"Do you want me to come with you my foot." Victoria kicked a stray rock as she walked around the outer edges of the camp. Sighing she let her mind drift and immediately regretted it as her brain took her to one place she didn't wanna go; two months ago.

And with it came an image of a semi-lit room. Faint music and tequila, perhaps a bit too much of it. Closing her eyes Victoria led the scene unfold in her mind...

Two Months Ago

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday Kev!" Victoria chorused with rest of people who had stayed in for the after party. Well the after after party. It mostly people they were close to: Ness, Larry, Damiano, Jason, surprisingly Jordan Jackson.

Okay well maybe not so surprising since Victoria was the one who had hosted the surprise party for Kevin. First she had debated over whether or not to invite Jordan after all he and Kevin weren't exactly the best of friends. But finally decided she should because she and Jordan were best friends or some where along the line. Victoria was never sure with Jordan, maybe it had to do with that fact he was with an Agency as well. Oh well.

"And now to truly get this party started!" Jason shouted as some music blasted through the overly big speakers in Victoria's opinion. I mean she was all for loud music but this was just too loud.

Moving away from the heaving mass of bodies she made her way to the back, bruising her share of toes. When she finally made it to the back, a unsuspected foot tripped her. Hadn't it been for Jordan she would be laying face first on the floor. And judging by the sticky place that was not a place she wanted to be.

"Woah, thanks Jay." Victoria giggled as Jordan helped her to a chair.
"Perhaps you might have had a bit too much of a certain drink?" Jordan inquired mildly, his British accent making it sound like he was scolding her.

"What me? Come on Jay this is me. I never overdose or whatever you call it." Victoria waved her hand dismissively, upon seeing her hand move like a very floppy sandel, she frowned. "Okay maybe a little too much."

"Oh Vic what am I gonna do with you? You know very well if someone, oh I don't decided to 'take' you, how would you defend yourself?" Jordan asked sounding exasperated but even now Victoria could tell he wasn't serious. Or she thought he wasn't anyways.

"That's why you're here! My heroic hero!" Suddenly remembering she had forgotten to give Kevin his 'later on gift' she stood up. "Oh gosh excuse me Jay but I gotta go find the birthday boy."

"Of course. The birthday boy, alright then if you need a ride let me know." Jordan walked away before Victoria could say another word. Shrugging she went to find Kevin.

Spotting him in between the very annoying Diana and Vanessa, she made her way towards them.

"Kevin! Kev!" Victoria called but the music was too loud. "Ken doll!" Well that got his attention, she waved her over. Excusing himself he walked towards her.

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