Chapter 3 realization

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Sebellas POV

After George and my little hug I threw my arms around Freds' neck.

"Freddie ol'boy! I didn't recognise you." I let go. "The only reason I knew it was you was cause of your hair. And Ginny." I grabbed her from the back, pulling her into a hug. "Don't worry! I'm no stranger!"

"I know that voice Anywhere." Ginny giggled, turning around and hugging me.

"Mione!" I hugged Hermione, making her lose her posture. "Geeze you people have grown."

"Says you! You look like a super model." I blushed at Hermiones comment.

"Bloody... Sebella!" Ronald hugged my waist.

"Bloody Ronald." I said back.
"Hello Harry." I let go of Ron and hugged Harry.

"Hey Sebella, thanks for the letter." Harry smiled.

"Welcome." I smiled back.

"Good thing George has you." Ginny began, making me again blush. "Wouldn't shut up about you."

"Alright Gin, that's enough-" George was beet red.

"Sebella said-" Fred teased.

"Sebella is so funny." Ginny said joining in.

"Sebella is so cute." Ron teased along.

"You know Sebella." Fred laughed.

"Never heard of the girl." Harry chuckled joining in.

"Well, I'm glad someone missed me." I hugged Georges Torso. "Don't listen to them cutie pie, I think it's sweet you can't get me out your head." I said loudly with a wink.

"Alright Sebella we all know he's your favourite twin." Marcy teased.

"Oh my goodness! George!" Bella squealed, making George uncomfortable, Bella has a crush on the twins, slash obsession. "Fred!" She hugged Fred and George, making them sandwich her. For a fourteen year old who looks older, you'd think she'd go for someone who's isn't her aunts man... I mean... Sigh, I wish.

"Where is Dominic... If you don't mind me asking." Hermione asked with a blush.

"Your boy toy is talking to Cedric." I stated, pointing to Dom, who stood next to my other three brothers. Marcys' other kids stood behind her.

"Daisy is coming to Hogwarts this year isn't she." Ginny asked, more stated.

"Yer, she doesn't say 'love you Sbella' anymore." I fake whiped a year away. "Instead she's so formal, "I love you my dearest sister Sebella' like who says that?"

"She said that to you once." Marcy rolled her eyes.

"Whoosh oldie." I teased.

"Ten points to Aunty Sebella." Tristan chuckled.

"Fist pump bro." I gave him a fist pump.

"Sebella!" I turned to see Charlie, Bill and Percy.

"More people to hug!" I cried excitedly.

"No hugs for me." Percy said, a small smile played on his lips.

"Who said you get a choice." I answered hugging him, then Charlie, who picked me up and twirled me, then Bill who ruffled my hair.

"Marcy can I hang with Fred And George for a little bit?" I asked.

"Sure, I hope you have fun 'hanging'." Marcy chuckled.

"Mum can I pretty please marry." Cough. " I mean, go with Anuty Sebella to hang with the loves of my-." Cough. "Freddie and Georgie."

"No, let them have their big kid time. If you know what I mean." Mark (Marcys fiancé) winked at me.

"Mark." Marcy giggled.

"I'm not related to any of you." I repeated what I've been saying all summer/break/thing.

"Oh darling but you are." Daniel teased.

"Yer Sebella! Relations right here. And soon we'll be Adding you to Weasley clan, am I right Brother George." Alex joined in. George blushed Along with me.

"Just go set up the tent you ball sack." I hugged.

"Ball sack? That's not very nice." Marcy scolded between her laughing fit.

"Let's leave these guys alone." Dom suggested. "But since you guys don't need me to help set up, I'll keep an eye on Sebella."

"More like Hermione." I whispered to the twins. "Trying to get lucky lover boy." I teased louder.

"It's not my fault Hermione is completely beautiful." Dominic defended, smiling at Hermione, who blushed.

"Dominic." Marcy scolded.

"What?" He replied.

"Dominic!" Marcy scolded again.


"Can't you see your ruining our Romione ship!" I scolded.

"Oh god. You weren't meant to say it out loud." Marcy chuckled.

Dominic was pulled away and my family went to their tent.

"So. Harry hows paradise going for you?" I asked.

"It's funny scaring muggles." Harry smiled. "Plus Dudley has to go on a diet." I spat out the water I had in my mouth everywhere cause I was laughing so hard.

"Bought time they retracted that bastards eating habits." I chuckled.

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Fred chuckled.

"No. But I heard George likes them dirty." I winked at him.

"Awe princess." George chuckled.

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