Chapter 5

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The Doctor stood under the warm shower, washing the dirt and mud off his skin watching as the brown water swirled down the drain.

The Doctor tried to imagine his stresses and worries wash down the drain with the mud just like Clara had told him to do many times after a stressful adventure. He closed his eyes letting the warm water sink into his skin softening the tense muscels as he scrubbed with the strawberry scented bodywash Clara had lent him, the scent tickled his nose and reminded him of the times he and Clara spent cuddled in the library reading books in front of the fire. He was starting to feel very relaxed as the smell of Clara surrounded him, he began to imagine what it would be like to have her wrapped around him as he scrubbed the shampoo into his hair, how much nicer it would feel if it were her smaller fingers massaging his scalp rather than his own boney ones as the soapy water ran down her naked wet body. Her breasts brushing against his chest as she reached up to rinse his hair. He had gotten quite far into his little fantasy before he was interrupted by the sound he began to fear the most.

"Alright there Doc?" one of the little pubescent pudding brains called through the closed Door. "Miss Oswald sent me to make sure you didn't slip and knock yourself out" the boy called in a bored tone, The Doctor could almost feel the eye roll that no doubt followed that statement.

"Am right yes! Tell Miss Oswald I'll be right out. Mud everywhere" The Doctor replied flustered as he searched blindly around him for a way to had his predicament is wayward thoughts had caused him before realising the door was locked so he was safe but the pubescent seemed to has caught on anyway and made a noise of disgust before walking of singing "Scottie has a stiffie"

The Doctor didn't need help to figure out what that one ment but decided to play dumb if asked. Cursing himself for letting his thoughts wonder inappropriately far to often to his tiny companion he concentrated on making the problem go away before quickly drying and pulling on the clothes Clara had packed for him.

Once the Doctor had re-joined the rest of the group in the common room they decided to head back to the cabin, everyone was exhausted from the drive up and the walk in the woods. The cabin seemed even more unsettling in the darkness as the wind howled through the missing slats on the roof and the hinges on the shutters slowly creaked as the wind blew them open and shut making the cabin sound like someone on their death bed.

True to what Morgon had said earlier in the day none of the electronic worked. The group had to find their way to their rooms using the torches from earlier that cast shadows around the walls giving them the feeling that there was something else with him.

Bradley's heart hammered in his chest as he clutched his torch tightly. Poised ready to attack anything that might jump out at him as he carefully walked up the hall towards the dorm.

"BOO!!" Samson yelled at the top of his voice making the entire group jump, a few of the girls let out terrified screams. Bradley swung his torch out in fear connecting with the closest thing to him. Clara's nose.

"Samson!" Clara cried out in pain as she clutched her throbbing nose.

"Oh miss I'm so sorry! I didn't mean too I'm sorry!" Bradley rambled in an apologetic panic

"s'okay not your fault" Clara mumbled still clutching her nose

"Let me see. Are you ok? Does it hurt?" The Doctor panicked flickering his torch over Clara so he could see her face.

"Of course it hurts! I was hit in the face with a torch!" Clara grumbled "and Stop shinning that bloody thing in my face!" She snapped slapping away the torch with her hand.

"Your bleeding!" The Doctor gasped seeing the blood trickle out of Clara's nose.

"What did you expect I got hit by a torch!" Clara shouted at the Doctor batting his hand away as he tried to touch her nose.

"first aid kit" Maebh said thrusting the first aid kit into the Doctors arms.

The Doctor hadn't even realised she was on the trip until now. Flashing Maebh a grateful smile he tore open the first aid kit and rummaged through throwing unuseful items over his shoulder with his torch between his teeth so he could see what he was doing.

"Can't you just, you know, sonic the lights so we can actually see?" Clara suggested squinting when the Doctor snapped his head round to look at her and nearly blinding her again with the torch.

"It's not really working right now" The Doctor answered sheepishly dropping the torch from his mouth "Boy's shine your torches over here but don't blind teach ok?!" He demanded.

The Doctor gently cleaned away the blood from Clara's nose taking extra care not to hurt her. His finger tips feather light along the bridge of her nose making sure it wasn't broken. He watched her face carefully looking for any sign of pain and saved every little detail right down to each cell to memory. Wanting never to forget a single detail about her. The Doctor didn't even realise he had been gazing into the deep brown of Clara's eyes for longer than nessasary until his thoughts were interrupted by teenage giggling and sniggers.

"Scottie loves Ozzie" one of the kids sniggered completely breaking the Doctor out of his trance.

The Doctor began fussing with the first aid kit to try and hide his embarrassment completely missing how Clara had been looking at him in the same way like her entire universe revolved around him. He didn't even notice how she had unconsciously moved closer to him, their knees knocked together and breath mingled. An inch more and their lips would have touched but instead the Doctor was embarrassed to admit he had developed feelings for his bossy companion. She would never want him he was sure after all he was old enough to be her messiah.

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