Chapter 12

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pre-warning this chapter the fic earns its mature rating in a big way lol

Chapter 12

The Doctor stood in the console room tinkering with some of the buttons, not really doing anything just trying to look busy so Clara didn't think that he was just waiting for her to get back from making sure all her not so pudding brained kids got back to their parents now that they had arrived back at the school after. He had to admit apart from the whole Lycra boy thing and getting lost in the woods he quite enjoyed the weekend. He had finally got to kiss Clara and what a kiss it was, he could still feel the ghost of her soft lips against his, just as willing and wanting as he was. He remembered her squeezing him through his trousers and how he really wished they weren't surrounded by a bunch of 15 year olds at that moment because he wanted nothing more to completely claim her as his own right there and then on the couch.

The Door of the TARDIS opened slighting and in bounced the bossy little companion he had just been thinking about still dressed in her oversized shorts and t-shirt. Grinning from ear to ear which made the Doctor grin back at her, he didn't need to hide his feelings from her anymore and he was in the best mood he had felt ever since his was bow tie.

"Get them all off ok?" The Doctor asked fiddling with the console still

"Yep" Clara said popping the "p" "Even managed to convince them that they didn't need to tell their parents about what they saw last night, Ruby seemed awfully interested in details about what happened when we were locked in the room which is a bit weird but hey its Ruby" Clara shrugged

"Probably wanted to know for her fan fiction"

"How on earth do you know about fan fiction?" Clara asked

"I'm a Timelord Clara I know everything" the Doctor lied "And I may have over heard Ruby and Maebh talking about it earlier" he added as Clara raised an eyebrow at his obvious lie.

"Yes well fan fiction is usually rather naughty you know" Clara flirted walking towards the Doctor

"It it is?" The Doctor asked suddenly feeling nervous under Clara's hungry glaze

"uh huh, so if we wanted Ruby's fan fiction to be great we'd better throw a smut chapter in there don't you think?" Clara said in a low voice stood right in front of the Doctor now a handful of his t-shirt in her hand

"s-smut?" the Doctor gulped his brain short circuiting with having Clara so close.

"Sex" Clara whispered sensually in his ear her tongue flicking out to lick his jaw just below his ear.

The Doctor gulped again, desire shooting straight to his groin as Clara trailed kisses along his stubble covered jaw pressing her tiny body firmly against his. She hadn't showered this morning but still his senses were overcome with the smell that was just so uniquely Clara. Wordlessly Clara took the Doctor by the hand and led him out of the console room towards her bedroom. The Doctor had been in here countless times with its neatly arranged bookcases and colour co-ordinated wardrobe but this time felt different like he was truly being let into Clara's world properly for the first time. Clara pushed the Doctor down to sit at the edge of her bed and stood before him.

"I think I'm over the baggy clothes look" Clara declared before lifting the t-shirt above her head and pushing the shorts down kicking of the flip flops she had borrowed as well leaving herself completely naked in front of the Doctor.

"Clara" he whispered his eye's roaming all over Clara's body trying to take in every inch of her perfect body. Her perky breasts, down over her slightly rounded stomach ghosting over the small patch of curls not too sure if he was allowed to look there, his eye's then roamed over her legs images of having them locked around his head as he tasted her juices.

"You can touch me you know" Clara chuckled amused at the Doctor's shyness.

That one sentence seemed to have unlocked something in him and the Doctor stood up grabbing Clara by the waist and throwing her down onto the bed immediately covering her body with his own his lips attacking her neck licking and sucking at it causing the most delicious moans to come from her. He trailed his kisses down over her collar bone leaving a bruise along the way. The Doctor licked a circle around her nipple before engulfing it in her mouth sucking hard and causing Clara to cry out in pleasure as his teeth grazed slowly along it. His hand came up and began pinching and rubbing her other one. The Doctor trying desperately to memorize every inch of how her skin felt under his tongue and finger tips, every single sound that tore from her mouth.

"Please Doctor, I need more" Clara begged breathlessly.

The Doctor chuckled at his small companion's impatience but knowing he couldn't deny her anything especially something he so desperately wanted himself. He moved further down the bed and kissed up the inside of her leg his stubble grazing the sensitive skin leaving it slightly red and made Clara's leg tremble with desire. He was a breath away from Clara's very core when she shot up and shouted "Wait" The Doctor's hearts sunk thinking that Clara had changed her mind that she didn't want him this way after all.

"Clothes, you're wearing to many clothes" Clara demanded reaching down to pull the Doctor's t-shirt up over his head roughly before burying her hands into his long grey curly hair and guiding his head back to her sex gasping when his tongue flicked out to tease her clit. Clara flopped back onto the bed arching her back as the Doctor teased her by slowly licking the length of her sex pausing slightly to suck on her clit. Clara's legs wrapped around the Doctor's shoulders pushing his face closer to her, her heels digging into the taunt muscles on his back. The moans and gasps coming from Clara made the Doctor twitch in his painfully tight trousers. The Doctor dipped his tongue into Clara's entrance curling it and hitting Clara's g-spot just right as his nose brushed against her clit making her thrust her hips up involuntarily and scream his name as she came over his face soaking him with her juices.

The Doctor lapped up every last drop of it as Clara shuttered underneath him before moving back up over her body and kissing her hungrily. Clara could taste herself on his tongue and found it turned her on even more making her kiss him back as though she had been starved of water trying to taste every bit of herself on him. The Doctor clumsily unbuckled his belt and pulled down his trousers kicking them off with his shoes without breaking contact with her lips. He knew she was bound to be gasping for air by now but neither of them wanted to give up the other. The Doctor's shaft rubbed against Clara's sensitive folds.

"Fuck me Doctor, fuck me now" Clara instructed breaking the kiss to whisper in his ear.

A low growl erupted from the Doctor's chest as he drove himself into her almost making Clara come for a second time. He remained still until Clara's walls stopped trembling he didn't want her to come not yet. Once she had regained her senses he began moving slowly fighting the urge to take her hard and rough so he could tease her into climax, both of them letting out a breathy moan with every thrust. Clara tried thrusting her hips up to meet his trying to get him to move faster and harder but he held her hips down firmly a sexy smirk on his lips when she groaned out of frustration. He started to move a little faster his head buried in Clara's neck leaving even more bite marks along it, the skin become red with his stubble.

He suddenly flipped them over so Clara was on top ridding him as fast as she could, her hands sprayed over the small amount of grey hairs on his chest feeling his two hearts thundering underneath them. The Doctor rubbed his thumb over Clara's clit as she sat up right changing the angle slightly and began squeezing and fondling her own breasts her head flung back in pleasure both profanity's and declarations of love falling from her lips as she tried desperately to chase her own end feeling the Doctor coming closer to his underneath her. The sexual desire curling tightly in her stomach before it exploded into complete euphoria. She collapsed onto the Doctor's chest as her orgasm ripped through her making her entire body feel warm and tingly. The Doctor held onto her hips as he thrust into her the angle making her clit rub off his pelvic bone building her towards another orgasm as he continued to thrust until he found his own release tipping Clara over the edge twice more.

The pair laid side by side in a tangle of limbs afterwards both sweaty and spent placing lazy kisses on each others skin before falling asleep together.

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