Chapter 3.

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A/N I'm so so sorry 6 months is awful to not update I will try and update alot more often (every 10 days or so) I know what I want to do now so should be fine but I am a single mum of 3 and obviously they come first so I've I'm late I'm very sorry xxx

They arrived at the campsite only half an hour later than they should have. Everyone pilled out of the mini bus. The girls were still all giggling every time the Doctor or Clara as much as looked in their direction. Clara's patients were wearing thin she hated not knowing what was going on especially when it obviously involved her.

"Girls if you do not pack it in and stop the giggling I will put you all back on the bus and drive you home" Clara snapped

"Sorry Miss" they all said together not sounding the lest bit sorry but Clara knew by now to take what she got with this lot.

A fierce looking woman in kaki shorts hiking boots yellow t-shirt and red body warmer came walking over towards them, a red clip board in hand. As she got Closer Clara seen she was in her 40's with dirty blonde hair pulled up into a tight pony tail.

"Coal hill year 10 I assume" The woman said in a bored tone

"Ah yes that would be us! Coal hill gifted and talented group" Clara said way to happily for the womans taste
"Right. Well I'm Morgan I'm here to show you too your building and provide you with your activity list for the next few days. So pick up your bags and let's go" the woman drowned on sounding completely uninterested.

The Doctor, Clara and the children all threw thier bags over their shoulders and followed Morgan towards the wooden huts they would be staying in. The Doctor and Clara hung back so they could bring up the rear making sure none of the students wondered off.

"I thought you said there was no buildings on a campsite?" The Doctor asked genuinely confused as Morgan pointed out the canteen and common room hall as they passed them.

"I assumed we would be in tents, I was only asked to go last week when Mrs Lawry found out she was 7 months pregnant" Clara shrugged

"How can she not know she's pregnant? 7 months the baby will come any day!" The Doctor exclaimed sounding distressed and looking around him panicked as if he expected Mrs Lawry to appear out of no were and give birth in front of him.

"Not quite Doctor she's still got another two months to go" Clara laughed at his reaction

"Another 2 months?! On Gallifrey pregnancy only lasts 7 months. 2 extra months that must be hell" the Doctor sounded genuinely horrified

"I've never been pregnant but I assume so" Clara answered remembering her cousin complaining loudly about how uncomfortable she was on Christmas day being 8 months pregnant

"You haven't?" The Doctor asked surprised

"No of course not!" Clara exclaimed

"Well you've certainly got the hips for it" The Doctor pointed out his voice dropping deeper

"My hips are just fine!" Clara protested placing a hand on her hips self consciously trying to ignore the feeling between her legs that happened when his voice was deeper

"Child bearing hips are nothing to be ashamed of Clara" said the Doctor rolling the "r" of her name which certainly did not help Clara at all and she squeezed her thighs as she walked.

Thankfully Morgan started speaking again which saved Clara from having to think of a retort

"We have a few other schools staying this weekend and seeing as you were the last to arrive you have been left with one of the old huts, personally I prefer them gives you that real back to nature feel" Morgan smiled for the first time since they arrived.

They passed by 5 wooden log cabins each with small groups of students and their teachers gathered around and inside the cabins. The sound of their shouting laughing and screeching already filling the Doctor with dread.

"You never said there would be other little pudding brains" The Doctor whispered to Clara his eyes darting around all the other teens

"You would never have come if I did and besides we only have to worry about our little pudd I mean students" Clara whispered back hoping no one else heard her nearly calling her students pudding brains.

"And here you are" Morgan announced cheerfully stopping in front of an old cabin right at the very edge of the camp just before the tree line to the forest. The Cabin looked like it might fall apart at any moment. The wood had rotted in places and one of the planks was completely missing on the roof while others were loose just waiting too fall off.

"there's no electric, limited hot water and the heating only works for an hour in the afternoon. Enjoy" She explained handing Clara the clip board she had been holding before jogging off.

All the students began complaining at once the girls insisting they needed electricity for their straightners and phones the boys needing it for their portable games consoles and Bradley complaining very loudly that he was darkness phobic and how he had a note.

"And what about showers Miss? You can't expect us not to shower" Ruby asked scrunching her face up in disgust

"If you had been paying attention on the walk here Ruby you would have seen that there are showers near the common room" Clara answered slipping into her teacher voice with ease.

"But Miss!" Ruby began to protest more

"Don't want to hear it Ruby" Clara interrupts her

"Where's your sense of adventure! Phones, games consoles, showers none of that stuff really matters ok well you need to shower sometimes or you'll smell abit but the rest doesn't matter. What matters is seeing everything you can, experiencing everything. There's an entire universe out there teaming with life just waiting to be lived and explored and your worried about not being able to update twitter?" The Doctor rambled enthusiasticly

"Yea" The students all replied in an obviously tone

"Can-can you believe this Clara?" The Doctor asked in complete disbelief looking between Clara and teenagers as if they had just sprouted an extra few heads each.

"Miss Oswald" Clara corrected him "their teenagers it's what they do now come on let go inside you never know it might be nicer than we think"

It wasn't. If anything it was worse. The cabin consisted of 4 rooms, 3 bedrooms with 4 sets of bunks in each room and a small cupboard sized bathroom with only a toilet and sink in it. The bedrooms were very bare with thin grey walls that had large cracks in the plaster, a single bare bulb hanging from the ceiling which of course didn't work. The wooden bunks where old and creaky with thin bare mattresses. Sat at the bottom of each bunk was a neatly folded pile of bedding. The whole cabin smelled damp and it was colder inside than out.

"Well then why don't we all get our bunks sorted and settle in abit before our first activity in an hour?" Clara suggested trying to sound cheerful. "Girls take the left room, boys the right, we'll take the middle" She instructed.

The girls began giggling and Clara was sure she heard one of them mutter "Ozzie loves the Scottie" but she choose to ignore it more to save her own embarrassment than anything else.

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