Chapter 8

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The group had gone for an uneventful bike ride after breakfast cycling the bikes through a bike trail around the edge of the forest stopping at a lake for a picnic lunch before heading back to the site again. The Doctor still hadn't spoken to Clara and she wasn't sure if she was enjoying the peace or missing his constant rambling. The most she got out of him was the odd grunt pf agreement or one word responses. She wasn't even sure if it was out of embarrassment or if he really was angry with her for something now.

The next activity they had planned for today was rock climbing and Clara couldn't wait her competitive side knew she was great at this, she was used to climbing up cliff face's, the inside of a Dalek and all sorts of other weird and wonderful things during their adventures so she knew she would manage climbing a silly wall with foot holds and a wire with no problem. What she hadn't counted on though was the grumpy Timelord becoming protective and possessive.

Clara led the group of students through the doors into the large rock climbing room at the camps activity centre. The room was incredibly high with every inch of the walls apart from the doors and a wide window on the left hand side of the room was covered with those brightly coloured foot and hand grips with lots of safety wires hanging from the ceiling, there was also a row of safety mats along the walls as an extra precaution. Stood in the middle of the room was a tall tanned, muscle built man wearing the tightest lycra the Doctor had ever seen and he'd spent a month in the 23rd century, where lycra was the height of fashion the tighter the better. The Doctor had a feeling this man was attractive in human standards and his suspicions were confirmed by the high pitched giggling coming from the female pudding brains of the group in front of him and he couldn't help but roll his eyes at them and feel an instant dislike towards the man who for all he knew could make Clara feel like these silly teenage girls.

"Ladies, ladies and of course gentlemen quieten down now so we can go through the proper safety instructions and then you can have a go at rock climbing. My name is Roderick" Roderick started and then began to drone on and on about safety and proper use of the equipment but the Doctor had completely tuned him out, he was a Timelord he didn't need to listen to this mindless rambling, he climbed walls that often he could do it in his sleep. Speaking of sleep he decided he might as well do one of his standing cat naps while this idiot pratted on.

"Alright let's get everyone into a harness then" Roderick announced clapping his hands together and jolting the Doctor out of his standing cat nap.

The Doctor quickly assessed for any stray drool before deciding he was safe and went to get the closest harness to Clara's he may still be utterly embarrassed from this morning but he was not giving Lycra the opportunity to that close to Clara, not in this regeneration. Typically, though Lycra beat him too it and just as The Doctor got over to the harness, Lycra spoke.

"Here let me help you with that, it can be a bit tricky" Roderick offered Clara picking up the harness from the ground.

Clara would have dismissed his help being to stubborn and a bit too much of a control freak to let anyone help her with anything but she saw the way the Doctor had been shouting dirty looks at Roderick during the induction so she smiled brightly at Roderick and fluttered her eye lashes. "Thank you that would be great" Clara flirted biting her lip afterwards

"No problem, you just take this bit make sure it's against your belly button and then wrap the strap around your waist" Roderick explained stepping so close to Clara she could count his eyelashes and feel his breath on her face, she tried her hardest to keep her flirty expression despite wanting to be sick from the hamburger smell of Roderick's breath. Roderick wrapped the strap around her his hard hips grazing against the softness of her stomach before securing it in the buckle at the front, his dark almost lifeless eyes never once breaking eye contact with Clara's.

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