Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The rest of the day the hot instructor would not leave Miss Oswald alone and kept fussing over her trying to make sure she was OK and Ruby was convinced that the Doctor's eyes were going to start shooting out lasers soon with the intensity he was staring at Roderick while mumbling under his breath something to do with PE and Lycra. Miss Oswald and Roderick were sat at the top of the table at dinner time with the Doctor a few chairs away from them and all of the student's huddled together at the end.

"We've got to do something about those two, this is just completely messing with my OTP" Ruby whispered urgently to the rest of the group.

"Oh for gods' sakes Ruby will you just let it go? Its creepy that you're this obsessed with it" Cameron groaned rolling his eyes.

"No!" All the girls and 2 of the boy's whisper shouted at him causing him to sit back in his chair groan in annoyance again.

"Just because you fancy Miss Oswald does not mean that we can't help the pair of them along" Ruby snapped at Cameron

"I do not! I-just I-I ahh I hate you Ruby" Cameron protested earning a smug smirk from everyone around the table "Well if you lot are going to be all creepy I'm having nothing to do with it I'm going to go to the common room and play pool anyone want to join?" Cameron asked standing up, 2 of the other boys got up and went with him.

"Ok so what are we going to do?" Ruby asked the rest of the group.

"Well in fan fiction they get them either locked in somewhere or wet or angry, that usually makes them kiss" Maebh offered with a shrug.

"This isn't fan fiction Maebh" Ruby rolled her eyes "But locking them in somewhere isn't a bad idea" She said with a wicked smile.

The 7 of them leaned in together and began whispering intensely with each other to develop their plan.

After Dinner Clara took some of the girls back to the cabin to relax a little at their request, the Doctor had wondered off somewhere and the rest of the students were playing pool in the common room. Clara had just sat on the bed and started reading her book when there was a high pitch scream from the girl's dormitory. Years of running with the Doctor kicked in instantly and her adrenaline peaked as she threw her book to the side not even bothering to mark her place and leaping from the bed and racing towards the sound of the scream expecting all sorts of horrible things. What she found was the 3 girls stood outside of the room looking terrified and pointing into the room still screaming.

"What-What is it girls?" Clara asked urgently

"There's a spider, a huge, huge spider. Please get it Miss Oswald" Ruby pleaded looking terrified

"A spider that's what this is about?" Clara asked raising an eyebrow "Wait hang on your not scared of spiders Ruby I saw you pick one up yesterday on our walk"

"That was outside Miss I don't mind them outside, that's their home they are meant to be there but I don't like them inside Miss. What if they decide to eat my face off when I'm sleeping Miss?" Ruby answered dramatically

"It's not gonna eat your face of Ruby. Right where is it?" Clara said with a sigh.

Just then the Doctor came running in banishing his sonic screwdriver like a sword breathing rather heavily like he had ran the whole was from the common room. "What's happened? Who was screaming?" He asked in a bit of a panic checking Clara over for injuries with his eyes feeling relieved when he couldn't see any.

"It was the girls, there's a spider in the bedroom. I'm just going to go and get it out now" Clara explained feeling the adrenaline start to leave her body.

"Not on your own you're not!" The Doctor protested "What if it jumps out at you and tries to eat your face?"

"Oh for Gods' sakes! Spider's don't eat people's faces" Clara said exasperated, her eye's flickering over to Ruby who had a smug look on her face.

"Do you not remember what happened last Christmas?" The Doctor asked raising an eyebrow

"That wasn't even a spider and it tried to eat our brains not our faces" Clara pointed out

"Even worse, I'm coming with you and that's the end of it" The Doctor insisted

"Fine" Clara sighed moving into the room followed closely by the Doctor his screwdriver already poised for attack. The moved towards the far corner of the room where Clara could see a black body on the floor, she had to admit it was rather larger than she thought and she suddenly started worrying about the thing jumping at her and trying to eat her. As she got closer she realised it didn't look quite right it was when she was right on top of it the Doctor peering over her shoulder that she realised what looked odd about it. It was a rubber spider. Without saying a word, she picked it up by one of its rubbery legs and threw it over her shoulder at the Doctor who let out a high pitched sequel and started hitting his hands out to knock the spider off him. Clara erupted in a fit of laughter at the Doctor's girly scream.

"It's-It's fake" She managed to get out in between giggles.

"Fake?" The Doctor asked stopping his movements at once.

"Yep they pranked us" Clara clarified marching over to the door ready to yell at the girls for playing the trick on them but when she reached for the door handle nothing happened. It was locked!

"Shit" Clara muttered under her breath

"Language" The Doctor scolded her

"Yea well we are locked in I think that justifies the language" Clara snapped

"Move let me try" The Doctor said pushing Clara out of the way before jiggling the door handle he even tried sonicing it but it just made pathetic noises still not working properly. "Were locked in" He declared to Clara.

"Really? No! I never would have guessed" Clara snapped back sarcastically. Ruby was in huge trouble when they finally got out of here.

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