Bad Girl vs Bad Boy An Arranged Marriage Story Chapter 2

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Chapter two

Ivy's POV

His parents had just stood there staring in disbelief. I had felt satisfied. If they were going to keep me here I might as well make my own mark on the place. I had called a SWAT team to come and collect the tranquillized assassins. They should wake up in a nice, secure cell. I can't believe Love dumped me in this place. She had promised that she would get me out of it somehow. But no. Apparently it was safer for me here. She obviously was not considering my mental health. Did this place even have a multi-complex training arena? I could not get out of practice especially now they were after me.

I was trying to meditate in one of the many living rooms when suddenly loud male voices filled the room. I kept my eyes closed and listened to them talk.

"Man, she is hot" a lone male voice said amidst the silent gawking boys.

"Dude you are so lucky"

"Yeah Boss. Score"

Boss? BOSS! Ah so he was the 'bad guy' around here. I fought to suppress a laugh.

"She is fit" said one of his gang.

I was so sick of this attitude why were they all so looks-obsessed. They didn't even know me.

One of them walked towards me. No-one interrupts me when I am meditating.

He said 'hey what's your-'

He had invaded my personal space. My reflex actions kicked in. Next thing he knew he was flat-out on the floor. The other gang members growled.

'What did you do that for" Seth asked.

I ignored him.

Seth sounded annoyed. He was used to getting his own way with everyone. Well that was all about to change.

I could sense that the general mood of the gang towards me had changed. I had humiliated one of their allies and I had ignored their leader.

I heard one of them mutter something like 'I can't hit a girl' and then someone was pushed towards me. Why did they just resort to violence without thinking it through? What good would hitting me do? I had just proven that I could easily knock out one of them.

I felt a slap across my face. I didn't move. They stared awaiting a reaction. Open my eyes? Hit them back? Nah.

"You slap like a girl"

I could feel the outraged gazes on my face.

I felt another slap across my face. I still didn't move.

"You slap like a girl"

"You're right boss she's a w*****"

"yeah boss just like you said a w*****"

That got a response out of me. Call me a cold hearted ice queen bitch but nobody. Nobody called me a wanker. My eyes snapped open. The boys were on the way out the door when my voice rang out across out over their voice's.

"Nobody calls me a w*****"

They all stopped and turned around slowly.

"What cha gonna do about it W*****"

"As I am pretty sure you have gathered I am perfectly capable of knocking out all of you so I really advise you just leave now."

All their leather jackets surrounded me in a big circle . I walked around the circle slowly meeting each of there gazes. As I suspected their eyes dropped after a few seconds .A black haired guy put up some resistance to my gaze but dropped his eyes . As I met my "fiancé's" eyes I was startled by the bright greenness of them and the tingly feeling I got in the pit of my stomach . I know he felt it too as surprise settled on to his face . He was scrutinising my face to see if I felt it to . I kept my face purposefully blank. I would not give him the satisfaction of knowing that I felt something. I saw his face fall. I wondered why. He didn't like me . I didn't like him the feeling was mutual. We had a stare off for several minutes when his gaze flickered down towards my lips . My lips suddenly felt dry .Subconsciously my tongue flicked out and licked my lips. I saw him smirking silently. Who cares I had won against his "gang" in the battle of the eyes. I walked towards one of the guys to be let out the circle but he stood his ground. I stared up into his eyes . Damn why do they all have to be so tall . I bet Seth would have to stoop to kiss me. Gah why was I even thinking about that . Bad girl. His eyes dropped and he stood aside. As I walked towards the door protests broke out among them.

"Why did ya let her out dude"

"Her eyes are creepy"

"Boss we gotta get rid of her she's a threat to our status , I mean she has us like pussies with just one stare . She has to go"

This comment caught my ears I wondered what my "fiancé" would say to that. I paused by the door waiting.

"yeah guys sure I would love to see the back of her , but how ?"

O.k that hurt a bit. I was about to turn round with a smart arsed comment when...

"Why don't we take her on in a competition who can be the badest she can't kill us we can't kill her, the winner stays the loser leaves"

"I highly doubt that you could take me on in a who can be the badest competition" I smirked.

They froze . They had obviously forgot about my presence . How dare they. Seth recovered first .

"you wanna bet" he said taking a step towards me glaring

"Oh boy I do ,bring it on losers"

"Fine then you can't kill us we can't kill you, deal"

"deal" I stated ,giggling .Boy did they have no idea who they where up against.

I spun on my heels and sauntered towards the door. The door clicked shut behind me . Their voices wafted out from under the door . Oh , I forgot . I poked my head back round the door

"My names Ivy. Ivy Greenwood"

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