Bad Girl vs Bad Boy An Arranged Marriage Story chapter 9

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Chapter 9

sorry that we have been gone such along time , just finished doing GCSE's so we can update more regularly


no more exams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Seth POV the Real One

The Stephan "Délicieux" glided out the door . He turned and looked over his shoulder and spoke

"Oh and Ivy I'll see you tomorrow"

Looking at Ivy .

Ahh so this must be the new student that was enrolling in to school tomorrow . I had checked up on his school records .

I had thought nothing about him except that his parents must be extremely cruel.

He comes from Romania and his name was Dracula Mercedes Einstein Bob Christen Ella Stoker .

But most people called him Ella

It also stated that the was allergic to roof tiles , some radiators and clothes pegs .

There was some one else who was also joining the school called Eileen Dover ( say it out loud if you don't get ) .

Obviously the person who had written on the form had a odd sense of humour as she was allergic to tall buildings .

She must be one of Love's gang because no one had names like that ( we do not mean to offend any one who has an odd name we have odd names too and it just makes us cooler. )

So Dracula Mercedes Einstein Bob Christen Ella Stoker was really Stephan .

Ivy kicked the robot me on the floor that was lying next to her feet. The robot obviously didn't like this as it grabbed on to both of her shoes weakly but the robot managed to press a little button on the back on one of her shoe's .

Ivy muttered "oh crap"

She kicked the robot across the room it smashed on to the wall and fell into a pile of mess .

Ivy looked majorly pissed off . What ever that button was it wasn't very good . Did it make her self destruct , would they let out a deadly gas that would kill us all .

There was a deathly silence ....

Then Ivy shoes turned into rockets boots and she shot up towards the ceiling screaming she bashes her head on the ceiling making a loud clanking noise .

She then proceeded to crash into almost every wall in the room .

Then the rockets boots which she couldn't control started coming towards us .

" Move you imbeciles" she screamed at us

we scrambled out the way but Ace was just to slow.

Ivy ploughed into him nearly knocking him unconscious.

Some how the fool had managed to get caught on to Ivy's shoe and was being dragged around in the air like a human wrecking ball .

Ivy was screaming something at us but most of the boys were to busy laughing our asses off and Ace was screaming so loud we couldn't hear any thing anyway .

Ace suddenly screamed even louder and Ivy leaned down and slapped him .

This was one of the funniest things I had ever seen .

"Grab my sun glasses and put them on " she screamed at us .

I looked around for her sunglasses but I couldn't see them .

"they're by your"they crashed into another wall "foot you douche bag"

I looked down. Oh so they were.

I put them on suddenly I saw what Ivy should be seeing . Left right up down and stop . I pressed stop but nothing happened .

" you have think it in your brain doofus" like that was a perfectly reasonably conclusion to reach , she screeched whilst bashing into another wall

"the sunglasses are link to your brain ass hat"

Feeling stupid I thought stop .

Ivy and Ace who were at that moment crashing into the ceiling, which was about 10 meters high, plummeted quickly towards the ground. Ivy reached behind her and pulled.

A parachute billowed from her back and she floated down to the ground looking as cool and collected as a girl with frazzled hair who had just crashed into walls about 50 times could look.

As she landed she stood on the head of Ace who was still dangling pathetically from her shoe. Ivy looked down at him with disdain and shot me a withering look. "Please try to control your robot" she said and turned and walked out the door.

Ace staggered to his feet and swayed dizzily for a few seconds. "I'll go and get her boss" he said while he slowly turned green.

"Leave it, Ace" I said, "Let her go. We have bigger problems such as how to control Robo-me. The dosage of water seems to have messed with its carefully programmed systems and made him go a little bit crazy."

"We could always simply destroy robo-you and create another, we have all the formulas and machinery we need and the second one is always easier to make." said Charles, one of my gang.

"Yes, I think that would be the most sensible idea. I think he is damaged beyond repair and it would be far more economical and easy to create robo-me mark 2."

We looked around to where Robo-me had been cowering in the corner since Ivy's attack.

But 'I' was gone...

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