Bad Girl vs Bad Boy an Arranged Marriage Story chapter seven

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Chapter 7

POV Real Seth yes the real one !!!!!!

So that must be the legendary Ivy Greenwood. She was staring at me and fake me and looking very confused.

I explained

Someone shot her

She died then i got shot too .

I died

We went to hell for all the bad things we had done




Real Seth's POV

We solemnly promise that this is now the real Seth and the real chapter seven...

So that must be the legendary Ivy Greenwood. She was staring at me and fake me and looking very confused.

'OK, now will someone please explain what is going on' she said looking annoyed at her failure to comprehend.

'How about you guess first.' I said.

'Twins, no can't be, maybe clones.'

'Come on Ivy,' I said, 'Surely you can do better than that!'

She flinched. She really didn't like criticism. I could use this to my advantage later.

'I know why don't you tell me about yourself first, Ivy and then I tell you about my friend over here.'

'Well, my name is Ivy Greenwood and I am seventeen years old. I come from London and am supposed to be marrying Seth Mannington.' she paused looking at me expectantly. 'Now is when you tell me what is going on.' she said seeming exasperated at my slowness.

'Come on Ivy,' I said, 'Credit me with some intelligence. I know you are a spy and if you want to know what is going on here you are going to have to tell me a little more than 'My name is Ivy and I am seventeen years old.'

Ivy was a very interesting character and I guessed that she would never willingly tell me about her past. So I would have to withhold information she wanted until she talked. She looked as if she was weighing up her desire to know what was going on against her built in secrecy over her past. Her hatred of being kept in the dark over something won out.

'OK. I am or rather was a spy up until when I had to come and get married to you. I trained with MI6 after they spotted my extreme intelligence and fighting skills when I was seven. I excelled at training and so was moved into the elite squad commanded by the mysterious and super powerful Love. That was who jumped over your wall on a motorbike Seth.'

Ah the motorbike incident. I hadn't actually been there but had heard and seen a replay.

'My parents never guessed anything weird was going on and everything was fine until they suddenly told me I had to go and get married to some randomer. That was you by the way, Seth. So now I am depressed and no longer a spy and kind of confused. So... what is going on here.'

Well that was interesting. At least I would have someone whose brain was nearly as amazing as mine. I suppose I would have to tell Ivy now. Well it was quite genius and very impressive.

'Well to understand you need to know a bit about me. I have an IQ of 191 and am very intelligent. I was very bored in school as the teachers didn't understand my supreme intelligence and gave me mundane things to do. I decided I needed to use my brain for something challenging otherwise I may die of boredom.

So one day I decided that I wanted to create artificial intelligence. This for me would solve two problems. One, it would occupy my brain and two I could send the robot to school in my place. I gathered together a group of highly intelligent scientists and we set about creating a robo-me. We installed incredibly tight security and kept our research a secret.

My parents were too caught up in their posh little world they didn't notice I wasn't at home half the time.

Anyway, as I am sure you have noticed we succeeded. Ivy meet Robo-Seth and Robo-Seth meet Ivy. I am very sorry Ivy but Robo-Seth isn't feeling at his best at the minute due to being splashed with a large quantity of water. Him being a robot and all this affected him rather badly. I'm sure he will be fine in no time though.

So back to the story. About a month ago Robo-Seth had the finishing touches and was ready to be released into the world. We placed artificial memories in Robo-Seth's head so he thought he was me although he didn't have my superior intelligence as I am sure he has demonstrated. My friends looked after Robo-Seth at school and I did what I wanted while Robo-Seth took my place at school. After you turned up Robo-Seth gave me daily updates about your recent antics. The exploding porch was quite amusing. So now you....'

A calm, cool voice spoke out from Robo-Seth. 'Self destruct imminent. This robot will self destruct in 5...4...3...2...1.'

And then Robo-Seth exploded. Everyone leaped under work surfaces as robot debris littered the lab. Luckily the self destruct system I had built in wasn't very powerful so the only thing blown up was Seth. I crawled out from under a work bench.

'The self destruct system must have been activated when he was hit by the water.'

'Or maybe when he got hit by a brick.' said Ivy. 'I thought you said he would be fine in no-time! Does that,' she pointed to the burnt hole in the floor and pile of metal where Seth had exploded, 'look fine to you.'

She did have a point there. Now we would have to create another robot. It shouldn't be too hard. We had all the basic equations and algorithms needed and we actually knew what we were doing now.

Everyone was just getting up when suddenly the super secure door to the lab exploded. What was going on. The lab wasn't looking so great. Dust was everywhere and there were large holes and debris was scattered everywhere. Someone stepped through the remains of the door, coughing.

They walked towards where Ivy was crouched.

The figures face was shrouded by dust. It looked threatening and then it spoke...

'Ivy, darling. Its wonderful to see you again. '

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