Bad Boy vs Bad Girl Chapter 10

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WE LIVE  sorry for the long wait  

Chapter 10

Ivy's POV

My hair was a mess, my head hurt and I had a large bruise forming on my derrière . Unfortunate and painful . I stalked out of the compound and realised my dramatic exit would be ruined by the annoying fact of the gates which were impossible for me to scale. Damn it.

My cheeks burning with humiliation I walked towards the intercom trying to look dignified. Then I realised Stefan had exploded the wall. Why? Stefan is a bit strange and and wants to have supernatural powers which lead to dramatic entrances, spandex pants and lots and lots of cheese . Using preplanted bombs he likes to pretend he has the power of molecular combustion ( blowing things up ).

I punched the intercom ; it fell of the wall dangling uselessly . I walked out of the gate . Free at last .

Sighing I looked up at the sky as a lone parachuter floated down towards me. Wait, what . I was so busy looking that I didn't notice the large stone in front of me . I faceplanted in a large strategically placed cow ( yes an actual cow not a cow pat ). I was about to yell at it for getting in my way when I remembered the parachuter heading straight for me .

I turned round slowly and pulled out my katana ( a curved sword ) . Facing me, her katana also drawn, was Tuesday . Her hair was wind swept and something that looked a bit like baked beans dripped from her clothes .

We stared at each other for a long moment then dropped our swords and ran towards each other . I almost expected slow motion music to start playing ( we couldn't remember what the song was called .

It was the perfect movie moment . The person I was running towards was my other best friend Tuesday .We reached out to give each other a hug when she tripped over a rock and landed flat on her face in a cow pat .

She stood up slowly her eyes glaring ; you could almost see the flames . "I hate cows" ( we have nothing against cows ).

" you've got a little ... bit just there" I trailed off pointing at her poo splatted face.

Her glare was removed from the cows who were cowering ( get it !!!!) in the corner of the field and turned on to me . I gulped and took a few steps back .

"bad day" I offered .

"you have no idea" she picked up her parachute and threw it over her shoulder. It promptly burst into flames and fell to the floor in a cloud of ash .

She handed me a brown paper package tied up with string ( these are a few of my favourite thinnnnggggggsssss )

"Stephan told me to tell you that he forgot to give you this package that THE BOSS told Love to give to Stephan to give to you which he forgot and asked me to give you the package that THE BOSS told Love to give to him to give to" . She took a breath and was about to start the cycle again when I butted in

"OK I get the picture so whats in the package that Stephan told you to tell me that he forgot to give me this package that THE BOSS told Love to give to Stephan to give to me which he forgot" .

"I don't know".

"Great ."

"I know ."

"Fun ."

"Of course ."

" so you?"

"good , you?"


Tuesday was not the most eloquent of human beings but her skills with a katana were unparalleled. She either spoke in too long sentences or too short .

A helicopter whirred over head . A rope ladder dropped from the helicopter and bonked her on the head. She swish around with her katana's severing the bottom 10 rungs of the ladder .

A voice floated down from the helicopter

"damn that's the third one this week calm down you cow face"

An angry look on her face she reached into her jacket pocket I thought she was going for her gun but she pulled ... a can of beans and a can opener . She opened the can then leapt on to the rope ladder balletically balancing the can of beans on her head .

Confused I watched her climb up the rope ladder . The helicopter wobbled dangerously in the air and muffled shouts could be heard . A few baked beans dropped at my feet.

I shrugged and then walked towards the gate which most of the cows seemed to be moooooooooving towards . I bulldozed though the cows still mystified about why they were there .

Shutting the gate I smelt a strong burning smell but shrugged and thought nothing of it . Ah my blessed motorbike . Patting my pockets I looked for the keys.

They were GONE ( dun dun dduuuuuuuunnnnnnnn ) .

I must have dropped them in that field I mused . Turning around I saw THE FIELD WAS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I must save the cows . They were not just any cows they were M&S cows and I knew that saving the cows would be vital to the cause . Save the cows . Save the world . And all that jazz .

I must save them . I opened the gate .

The cows ran out of the gate to safety .I knew I would never see them again .

But where where my KKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEYYYYYSSS. They must be in the fire .


I turned and walked into the flames ..................... .


to be continued .........

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