Everything's Gonna Be Alright

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WARNING: Sensitive subjects involved (suicide thought, cutting, etc.)

*Your P.O.V*

I sat on the kitchen floor with the knife in my hand pointed to my heart. Blood running down both of my arms. The light from my phone shined in my eyes because it was night time and I only had one lamp on.

I looked down at my phone one more time to see more and more hate then there was before. Things like

"Y/N is so ugly and fat I don't understand how Justin would want an ogre as a girlfriend"

"She is just using him for fame and money"

"She is a slut, what the hell"

Tears were rushing down my face. I couldn't handle it anymore. I just needed to die. No one loved me. I was too ugly for anyone. I would most likely end up dying alone. So whats the point. I positioned the knife right on top if my heart. I put pressure onto the knife to where it went through my skin a little bit and screamed out in pain and right then I heard a gasp from the one person I least wanted too. My beautiful boyfriend, Justin.

*Justin's P.O.V*

I just got out of the studio early and I was planning on surprising Y/N with dinner. I pulled out into the driveway to see that no lights were on in the house. I just assumed that she took a nap so I walked in to see that in the kitchen was a very dim light. So I started to walk towards the kitchen to hear a painful scream from Y/N. So I ran into the kitchen to see Y/N on the floor with blood rushing down her arms and a knife pointed to her chest.

I gasped in shock. She looked up at me with shock that I was home. Her eyes were all red and puffy from crying. I looked down to the floor to see her phone opened to twitter. I suddenly got a bit angry remembering to tell her that all of that stuff was not true and to never read it. I rushed to the floor grabbed her phone and threw it against the wall to see it shatter and screamed at her "I told you not to read that stuff!!"

She flinched at my sudden outburst and I instantly felt guilty and pulled her into a hug, but she was still holding the knife to her heart and I slowly took the knife out of her hand. I saw that she had went through her skin barely so I took it out. I instantly felt tears rushing down my face. I couldn't believe she would go through with this. I pulled her into a hug to fell my shirt feel wet. I looked down to see my shirt soaked with blood. I honestly didnt care. Then I heard Y/N sobbing. I rocked her back and forth and shushed her.

After a while I pulled her away from me to see that we were both crying. I looked into her eyes and said "Y/N everything's gonna be alright".


Thanks for reading!! I hope you liked it!! Please kik me requests!!! Don't be shy!!! My twitter is @MrsAdrianaBiebs!!!! Tell a friend to tell a friend about my story!! ;) Wow!! I sound desperate!! You dont have too if you dont want to but it would be nice!!!

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