Lazy Days with Justin (Personal for Katie)

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Okay, I know I like disappeared but I'm having personal issues and I know that's not and excuse but yeah. So here's a personal imagine for Katie! I hope you like it!


Katie's P.O.V

You woke up with the sun shining in your face and a massive headache. You let out a groan to feel the bed beside you shift and feel someone grab you tighter. You instantly smiled thinking of Justin.

You and Justin have been dating for around six months now and you both couldn't be happier. You turned around facing Justin seeing he was awake. "Good morning Justin" you whispered soft enough for him to barely hear. He smiled at you "Good morning Katie."

He had a raspy voice from just waking up and his hair was in different directions. You laid there in silence enjoying each other's company. He started to rub you back up and down your spine making you feel relaxed.

You then heard Justin's stomach rumble which made you both laugh. You then asked him if he wanted to have breakfast and he responded with a yes. You made your way downstairs towards your kitchen getting ready to make breakfast.

You started making pancakes when you felt two large hands wrap around your waist. Justin then laid his head on your shoulder kissing your neck making you sigh in pleasure. He chuckled knowing that he could make you feel that way with just a simple touch.

He then went to go set the table and get beverages. When the pancakes were done you gave him some earning yourself a thank you from Justin. You say down with Justin eating your breakfast having small talk about your lives.

When you guys were done Justin took your plates and put them in the sink. He then grabbed your hand leading you to the couch and sitting down then pulled you into his lap. He then grabbed the remote and asked "What do you want to watch?" You shrugged not knowing what was on the TV.

You then grabbed the remote and started to look through the channels. As you were channel surfing 'How I Met Your Mother' came on. You looked over at Justin "Is this okay?" He nodded smiling at you. You kissed him then set the remote down on the table in front of you and cuddled into his chest.

3 episodes later you had a major craving for ice cream. You started to get up when you felt Justin's arms wrap around you tighter. You chuckled and rolled your eyes at him. "I'm only getting ice cream Justin." He smiled at the thought of ice cream. "Get me some too please."

You nodded your head and walked to the kitten getting some bowls of ice cream. You came back to see that Justin has moved places so he's sitting up against the arm rest and his feet are spread out on the couch. You gave him his ice cream and sat down next to his feet.

You finished your ice cream while finishing one more episode. Justin moved to sit next to you and put his arm around you. He kissed your temple and smiled at you. "I love having lazy days like this with you Katie. It makes me realize how much I love you." You smiled as your face turned red. "Me too Justin. I love you too."


Hope you like it!!! Love you!

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