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I shuffled around the kitchen, my back burning from my shower. I looked through the cabinets, grabbing a couple Vic's of thin mints, a warm root beer, and a box of nerds. Heading to my room, I stooped at the long mirror mom had placed in the hall before her death.
My wet hair cascading around my broad shoulders, my striking blue eyes seemed void. I was a beautiful girl, striking even. So why am I a target. Sure I'm not model thin,I got some muscle on me, I can throw a punch.
I shook my head, now wasn't the time to think of that. Now was the time to think about that, it never was. I walked on, not looking back. Locking my door shut, flopping down on my bed, I ate.
I sat in algebra zoning out, first period was a bad time to have a math class. No one could focus that early in the morning, unless it was on a stupid boy band they would never meet.
First period and I already felt like shit. Snide words from Kacee, a push from Cody. They shouldn't matter, but it did. It always did, but it's just getting worse. I need Lizzy.
Who was sitting two rows in front of me, whispering to Austin. Her light brown hair pulled back, bangs falling over her amazing ocean blue eyes. Her pale red lips turned up in a gorgeous smile. And here I am, going through hell.
Don't break down, don't break down, I repeat the words in my head, maybe if I say them enough I wont. Then agin maybe I'll become famous next year, assuming I make to next year.
"Mea." Smith pulled me out if my train of thought. I looked to the problem he had tighten on the broad.
"it's pi squared by six equal to b plus seven." I gave the answer mindlessly, not looking at the teacher. Who was just shy of gawking at me.
"that's correct," he said after a minute, slowly moving on with class.
I walk the few steps from math to my locker, still repeating the words. Hearing Beck tell Lizzy about a dream she had, laughing, happy. I closed my eyes.
Do not break down, do not break down, I said them more forcefully this time. I couldn't break down here, not now.
Tommy pushed her into the open locker, "Morning hoe." his voice was harsh, and it didn't take much to tell that him and Caroline had a fight. He was at his worst when they fought.
I slowly turned, he was flanked by Timmy and Conner, Conner holding Tummy close to him. Her dark brown hair falling around her shoulders in beautiful waves, framing her sharp features. Her emerald green eyes standing out.
"Hello Timmy," I replied calmly, taking a small step away from my locker,"If you don't mind I have to get to class."
"And?" Tommy asked, stepping into my way. His grey eyes filled with anticipation, his head covered in a mess that was the same color as his Tummy, his sister. Timmy had blond hair, but his eyes matched Tummy's. They were the triplets. Conner had light brown hair and chocolate eyes, he was Tummy's boyfriend.
"I would like it if I wasn't late."
"it's just your TA period."Timmy grabbed my arm, Tommy quickly taking the other. The group led me away.
Lizzy gave me a glance, but it said nothing more then it would to any other kid where I was. I still remember the time when she would grab Timmy and tell him to let me go, or trip Tummy. The day when it wasn't alright that they take me away.
"Excuse me," Adams was standing at her door, "I'd like my TA."
"We'll just take a monent," Tummy smiled, "We're just going to talk."
"Fine." she let us pass, and I knew I was screwed. Now no one would help me.
They took me to the empty gym, the old abandoned one.
Stay calm, stay calm, I told myself as my heart rate increased, stay calm.
The boys threw me to the ground, laughing as I tried to catch myself. I turned so I was sitting on my ass, glaring up at them.
There was no point in getting up, they'd put me back down, so I stayed.
"What comes next," I meant for my voice to be strong, but it was to small. I could barely breath, fear all but controlling me.

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