The school was hushed when I got there, and stayed as so through out the day. It was strange, this silence had only happened once before. And that was years ago, I only knew about it from stories.
I couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong, and wasn't to be said. I wouldn't have been surprised if it were dark and raining, given the mood of my peers. Something just rang out death, and nothing I could find helped. No one said a thing about it, conversations were tense. The guilt flowing in the room was almost palpable, and breathing felt difficult.
"Lizzy?" I walk up to Kat's friend timidly,"What's going on?"
"Nothing." the beautiful brown haired girl said, but her voice told another story. Every person I asked was the same, scary wouldn't even began to describe it.
I left during lunch, unable to stand how it felt in the halls. The guilt, the tension, this strange absence of life. None of it was wright.