The Twins Fight

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"Let's all play the 'Which One Is Hikaru' Game!"  The twins choursed and their customers clapped with joy. It was so loud it makes me think what this game is.

"So, can you tell which one of us is Hikaru?"

"Well, it's hard to say."

"Many ladies have tried to tell us apart, but so far none have succeded."

"That's the dumbest game I've ever heard of." Haruhi said as she walked by.

"What, have you got a problem with it, Haruhi?"

"Not really, I just don't understand why the two of you are so popular."

"Well that's not very nice."

"There are a few good merits that we have. Tell her, Angela." Kaoru said.

"What?" I asked, sheepishly.

"You of all people should know why us, being twins, are very favorable to the club."

"Um, well, they're twins." they looked at me as if saying that wasn't good enough. Well, I don't have an apt response as to why they are popular.

"I don't know. And frankly, I could care less why you are so propitious to this god forsaken club."

"Angela, you're just as mean as Haruhi! Now listen up, having a couple of good looking guys with homosexual tendencies earns the club high points. It also helps that the two struggle between their attraction and their friendship." Hikaru explained.

Kaoru continued, "And in our case because we're twins our relationship is taboo and therefore more intriguing."

They moved next to a girl and lifted her chin, "Besides, who hasn't fantasized about twins? Having two loves is better than one right?" I haven't and that sounds very unsettling. Having two loves can cause chaos and is unhealthy and detrimental to a relationship.

"It's a woman's romantic fantasy." I highly doubt that, not EVERY single woman dreams of that.  Only these girls would go crazy over something like that, like they are now.

I rolled my eyes as Tamaki-sempai came running up. He looked furious, in a sense.

"Hikaru, Kaoru! When I gave you control of the club's website I did so on one condition! That you take it seriously!"

"We take our job very seriously."

"In fact last night we worked on it 'til dawn." they defended.

"Is this what you worked so hard to create!" he then flipped open the thing he was holding. The screen showed Haruhi shirtless showing her back.  I have no words. I turned on my heel and continued serving as another fuss came up.

I went over to where the others were when I saw a pair of black doors, I'm curious. I know I haven't been here long but long enough to know that those doors have never been there before.

"...Black magic items from across the globe. We're also holding mass around the clock. Akatsuki, we're searching for more members. If you're interested, our club room's in the basement. You might like it, you do look like one of the dark." the boy, clad in a dark cloak, said.  I shook my head. One, I wasn't interested and two, like I knew where the basement was in this huge school!

"If you join now I'll give you a free curse doll." a hand puppet that looked like a cat showed up, "You can have Belzenef as a free gift."

The twins shook their heads. "Well...that does sound appealing." I murmured and I thought, Undertaker would be interested and if I momentarily stop by he'd be more than happy to receive it.

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