Chapter 13:Love Me For Me

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***Authors Note***

Hey fellow readers! I haven't been able to get on as much because of homework.....urghh i hate homework.....Well anyway im so so so sorry i haven't updated in a while :( Don't hate me. I will try to update more often like once a week. Hopfully it works out that way. sooooo anyway enjoy =D


~"I don't want you to love mee, if you don't want to love me for me"~Cher Lloyd-Love Me For Me


I woke up to the rumbleing of my own stomach. Then I just readlized i barely ate anything yesterday. That is rare comming from me. Nialls arms were tightly wrapped around me. I tried to wiggle out of his grip but without even opening his eyes he tightened his grip and pulled me closer. I tried again and managed to get out. As I was about to walk out the door Niall stopped me.

"Come back I'm cold!"Niall whined in his morning voice.

"I'm going to go get food couldn't you hear my stomach?"I said

"Noo come back and cuddle with me."Niall said starting to fake cry.

"But I want food!"I said crossing my arms making a pouty face like a little kid.

"Fine but hurry back and bring me something back!"Niall said now crossing his arms and making a pouty face like I was. Somethimes we both just liked to act like little kids.

I made my way to the kitchen and looked for something to snack on. I wanted something sweet yet fruity. I opened the fridge and found a container of chocolate covered strawberries Niall and I bought a couple days ago. I forgot we even had them. When I saw them I jumped in excitement. I grabbed the container and went back upstairs. I opened the door expecting Niall to be laying in bed sleeping but he wasn't there. I stood there confused. All of a sudden Niall jumps out from behind the door and scares the crap out of me causing me almost to drop the strawberries. He picks me up bridial style and carries me to the bed. He set me down carefully and sits next to me. I got o feed him a strawberry but just as he is about to take a bite I quickly take the strawberry and eat it myself.

"Hey! I wanted that!" He yelled playfully pouting.

"So did I."I said winking at him.

"Gimme one!" He said like we were little kids.

"Fine."I said now pouting.

This time I actually let him eat the chocolate covered strawberry.

"There Happy."I said crossing my arms and pouting.

"Yes, very happy." Niall said pecking my lips softly. I slightly started to blush.

"I love you princess."He said looking into my eyes.

"And my prince in shining armour, I love you too."I said laughing a little. Kissing him again one last time.

"Lets see whats on tv."Niall said reaching for the romote.

"Ok What do you want to watch?"I asked.

"Ummm I don't know let's see whats on."He said.

He started flipping through the channels to look for something to watch. We couldn't find anything. But then we came upon the thriller channel and founf out there doing a top ten countdown of scary movies. They were going to play number one at midnight. This got me excited I loved scary movies.

"oh oh Let's watch this!"Niall said jumping in his seat.

"You just read my mind."I said now jumping in my seat.

"Let's do nothing today. I just want to sit here with you......and watch these scary movies."Niall said softly kissing me.

"I agree."I said returning his kiss.

We both chuckled.

I looked into his eyes.

And I smashed my lips to his it felt like the first time we kissed.

I smiled then moused him away running from him.

I ran into the front yard and then looked around I hid behind a trash can and held my mouth to stop laughing.

Just then a hand covered my eyes.

Thinking it was Niall I smiled.

"Scream and thing will happen things you don't want to happen," said the voice.

That was no where near Nialls voice.

It was more like his voice but I couldn't be.

No no no no no no no no

It couldn't be him.

"Yes baby it's me," he whispered as if reading my thoughts.

"Heeeelp!" I screamed

I saw Niall coming towards me before I passed out.


Hey guys hope you liked it what do u think will happen.

Anyway so sorry for the cliffhanger


I try my hardest updating✔

I will try to not let you down✔

And last but not least I will try to make my story as interesting as possible✔

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