Chapter 14:Don't Let Me Go

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***Authors Note***

Okay so before I begin I just wanted to ask you guys if you know any other good fanfics on here. I am looking for some new stories to read. They don't even have to be fan fics I guess they can be horror comedy ect.... If you know any please just let me know :) Also if you have a story and you want me to read/review it just let me know I am always happy to do so :)


~"I'll keep my eyes wide open, I'll keep my arms wide open Don't let me, Don't let me, Don't let me go Cause i'm tired of feeling alone"~Harry Styles-Don't Let me Go



"Scream and thing will happen things you don't want to happen," said the voice.

That was no where near Nialls voice.

It was more like his voice but I couldn't be.

No no no no no no no no

It couldn't be him.

"Yes baby it's me," he whispered as if reading my thoughts.

"Heeeelp!" I screamed

I saw Niall coming towards me before I passed out.


I felt something wet and cold being dabbed on my forehead.

I opened my eyes and saw niall wetting my forehead with a wet towel.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I scared you and you fell off the bed and hit your head on the bed stand. I'm so sorry princess."Niall said while his eyes got watery.

"It's okay." I tried to sit up but my head was throbbing so i had to put it back down. "Ow that really hurts" I said.

"Just rest your head. I'm so sorry princess."Niall said tearing up again.

"It's okay you don't have to keep saying sorry. Why are you tearing up?"I said whipeing away the tears away from his eyes.

"I promised I would never hurt you and I did."Niall said.

"It's okay don't worry about it you didn't mean to."I said

"I know I love you princess."Niall said smiling

"I love you too." I said. Niall bent down and kissed my bruised forehead. The horror movie marathon was still on so we layed down and watched the rest of the movies they had playing. The rest of the night was peaceful with no distraction.


A stink filled the room and a looked up to see those bombs that kill you.

I looked around for Niall but he was no where in sight. I started to panic. It was like a scene from a scary movie. Wait where did these bombs come from? I then heard someone chuckle. I turned around to see not only Steph but also Austin. They were holding Niall still with a knife to his throat.

"Let him go!"I Yelled.

"IT's not that easy sweat heart."Austin said.

"What do you want from me!"I yelled

"I want you."Austin said giving me an evil smirk.

"And I want Niall."Steph said.

"And what are you going to do if I don't do what you want?"I asked.

"Simple. Kill him."Austin said. Just the thought of Niall being dead made me tear up.

"Skylar don't do it."Niall said now starting to tear up to.

"I can't let them hurt you."I said

"Enough of the lovey dovey stuff lets get on with it."Steph said.

"So which is it?"Austin asked. "Do I kill him?"

"No take me!"I said

"Skylar stop!"Niall yelled. I felt tears run down my face.


I woke up panting like there's no tomorrow sweat coated my body and then I saw niall running up to me with a glass of water.

"W-what happened?'I asked.

"Well you were sleeping then all of a sudden you started sweating and yelling in your sleep and you wouldn't wake up."Niall said panicking a little.

My head started throbbing again. I grabbed my head in pain. Did I really hit it that hard? I guess I did.

"I think we should get your head looked at."Niall said handing a cold wash cloth to put on my forehead.

"No we have plans remember with Louis."I said.

"Your not well enough to go anywhere."Niall said.

"Well we just can't cancel on him."

"What else are we suppose to do?"

"Invite him to come here so we don't have to out."

"Fine but if your not better tomorrow I am taking you to the doctors."

"Fine." I said pouting.

I got up and got dressed. I didn't put on anything fancy. I put on my crazy mofo shirt along with a pair of black shorts. My hair was already straightened from the day before so I just brushed it and left it down and put a black beanie on top. To finish the look I put on a couple bracelets and a pair of black high tops. (Outfit to the side). I looked in the mirror to make sure i looked okay.

"You look beautiful."I heard Niall say while standing in the doorway.

"Yeah right."I said.

"You are the most beautiful person in the world."Niall said walking up to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. He put is chin on my shoulder and started rocking back and forth while humming in my ear. I felt his warm lips place a kiss on my neck. Chills immediately flew down my spine.

I broke the kiss.

"Will you ever leave me for steph?" I asked him.

He looked as if he had seen a ghost or my words there is no more food in the world.

"I swear if you think about me leaving u for that hog then you need to go mental hospital," niall said.

I smiled and pecked his tiny nose.

Just then I heard a knock at the door. I take one less ibuprofen so try control the pain coming from my head while Niall goes to answer to door.

I walk down stairs and see Louis standing with his girlfriend Abbrielle and someone I didn't recognize. 

"Hello"We all say to each other.

"You remember Abrielle right."Louis asked.

"Sure I do."I say giving off a smile.

"Oh and this is my sister Bella. She kept bugging me until I told her she could come I hope you don't mind."Louis said.

"It's ok"Niall and I said.

"Okay great!"Bella said.

I could already tell we were going to be Friends. She had a bubbly personality just like me. She also had long brown hair and a pretty shade of blue eyes. She just red lipstick on with just the right amount of eyeliner on. I could tell she was really into beauty things and how she looked.

***Authors Note***

I'M SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!!!!!! Don't hate me. well anyway hoped you liked it.





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