Chapter 4

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Hayley's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe what I was reading. Taylor had a crush on me this whole time, and I had no idea? I had always only thought of Taylor as a friend, no more, no less. And why? Because I didn't want things to get complicated like it did between Josh and I. Eventually the band had split up. What did Taylor want anyway? He knows I already have a boyfriend.

There were plenty of reasons for me to get mad at Taylor but then I realized- it's best not to make a big deal out of it, for the band's sake. The band is at its strongest point without the Farros and I didn't want to be responsible for screwing that up.

I counted from 10 to 1 and took long, deep breaths to calm myself down. I wonder how Taylor felt about this. For a second I wished I had never read his diary and I never would have known about his crush. But I guess, in a way, that it was better for both of us to come clean instead of keeping feelings hidden. 

As nicely as I could I slowly creaked open our squeaky bathroom door. I just wanted to tell Taylor that I wasn't mad (okay, well maybe I was). But the band splitting up AGAIN? No sir, that is NOT going to happen-  especially over something silly like this.

A little more confidently now, I marched into Taylor's room- he wasn't there- but where else could he be?

That's when I heard the sound of our front door closing.

Wait. What?

As fast as my feet could carry me I ran outside and slammed the door behind me.

"Taylor?" I yelled. "Taylor!" I knew he was outside. I swear I heard the door close.

"C'mon, Tayles," I said, a little more calmly now. "I'm not mad."

Taylor's P.O.V.

I ran out the door, feeling like a 6 year old running away from home because he didn't get what he wanted for his birthday. 

What am I even doing? This is stupid and immature. Turn around and go home right now.

How about this, I'm not 'running away' I'm just going for a walk. Yeah, that's it. I slowed to a walk.

So if anybody asks what I'm doing-

"Taylor!" I recognized Hayley's voice and watched, paralyzed, as she caught up to me. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I- I'm just going for a walk," I stuttered, although this was one of those rare times when I make up an excuse that was believeable.

Unfortunately Hayley still found a way to shatter my hopes of a good excuse.

"If you're just going for a walk," Hayley said carefully, "Why haven't you taken Cowboy with you? You always take him with you for walks."

I sighed.  "Hayley," I said as nicely as i could, "I just wanted to-"

"I'm not mad," Hayley interupted unexpectedly. 


Hayley's P.O.V.

"Look, Taylor," I said, starting to feel the more aggressive side of me spill out. "I already have a boyfriend, and- what were you thinking, anyways? That we would just fall in love and the band would still be perfect as heaven? The reason I don't like you in that way, Taylor, is because I don't want  things to screw up like they did with Josh Farro and I. You were always my best friend, but nothing more," I finished, then realizing that I kind of was mad and that I probably shoudn't have said all those things.

I looked into his eyes and I saw that he was paralyzed by fear and anxiety. He was almost crying- I could tell he was trying to hold it back.

"I'm sorry, Taylor," I said softly and looked up. "I was just agitated." 

"You should be," he said, which kind of surprised me. "This whole thing was my fault."

"No it wasn't," I said, doing my best to cheer him up. "I should have respected your feelings and not nose into your journal."

Taylor's P.O.V.

"Maybe it's Jeremy's fault for starting this." I felt a small smile on my face.

"Good point," she said sarcastically and smiled back. "But Taylor," she said, a bit more seriously. "Please- forget everything I said... I was just... confused and frustrated."

I looked into her eyes and I knew she was sorry. "It's okay," I assured her. "I understand what you meant." Hopefully things would be okay now.

"No, no," she insisted. "I didn't know what I was saying." A sneaky smile played on her lips. "You don't understand. I'm breaking up with Chad."



Haha this is probably the worst chapter written so far- I didn't like it either. Tell me why you did/didn't like it in the comments! Be honest plz ;)

I'll probably lose all my followers after this  >.<

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