Our Story

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I went downstairs and bought a coffee from the coffee machine. Feeling embarrassed of what happen earlier, I knock my head to the coffee machine over and over again.

“You’re killing your brain cells.” A guy from I-don’t-where-he-came-from said. I turned my head slowly to look at him but didn’t get my head of the machine.

"Oh no.” I murmured to myself and looked down the floor, still knocking my head at the machine. With my hunch telling me that he has something to say, I sat down at the chair beside the coffee machine. I took a sip from my coffee.

“Tired?” Daehyun asked.

“After what happen today? YES.” I nodded. He sat next to me and reaches for something at his pocket.

“You left this.” Showing off my $2 bracelet. “When you bump into Yongguk hyung this afternoon, I saw this. I was going to give it to you when we…you know… but you left so early so I wasn’t able to and I forgot about it when you asked me for directions.”

“I knew you were familiar! And... yeah…About that kissed…” It was already awkward but talking about the “KISSING” made it even more awkward.

“I know. I explained it to the guys and they’re still goofing around about it.” He puts on a smile and continued. “Can I put this on for you?” Handing out the bracelet.

“Sure.” I wanted to say no and bury myself alive but he was too nice for me to decline. I held out my hand and he wore it around my wrist.

“Looks good, I must say.” He smiled again. “Given by your boyfriend?”

“Namja-chingu? If what you mean is like a namja-chingu who kiss and hug – I don’t have one but if you mean namja-chingu like – hangout only - I have a lot of them. It was actually given by my father when I was 10. This thing has been together with me for 9 years.” I looked at my bracelet. “So it’s kinda like a lucky charm.” I looked back at him and he was looking at me- smiling that cute smile.

“Aren’t you busy?” I woke myself up from daydreaming, being totally mesmerised at his smile.

“You want me to leave?” He joked.

“Nah…but the others might be looking for you.”

“Hyung!A shout echoed through the hall.

Good timing.

He turns his head and I moved my head a little bit to see who the guy was yelling to.

“Jongup-a. Wae?” Daehyun stood up and I did the same.

“The show’s closing soon and we need to be at the stage.” Jongup looked at me and had his eyebrows up.

"Annyeonghaseyeo.” I awkwardly smile and waved my hand.

“Hi.” And he did the same. “So...you guys like...friends now?” He looked at Daehyun with something written on his face.

“No. I mean…” He turns around and looked at me. “Yes. We’re friends.” He smiled again, still looking at me.

This isn't going to turn out well.

“I should go. I have to wait for my sister and my friend at the exit. Goodbye. See you…”

I said it again! WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME?!

 “On TV?” I awkwardly smiled.

“Later. I’m pretty sure that we’d see each other again, later.”

“Ooookkkayyy. See you LATER, then.” To avoid any more awkward conversations, I made my way and waited for Jisu and Somi outside the building.


“Wasn’t that fun?” Jisu says with her mouth full.

“I don’t think being in the middle of a two crazy girls who shouts like it’s the end of the world is fun.” Drinking a glass of water.

“I finally met them! The love of my life.” She held both her hands like praying. “I’m so lucky.”

“Yeah. Lucky enough that you have me.” I drank another glass. “I’m also lucky, you know.” I said.

“And how is that?” Somi looked at me with eyebrows up.

“I bumped into Yongguk this afternoon and I kissed one of them, UNINTENTIONALLY.”

The effect of alcohol.

“WHAT?!” They both shouted at the same time and it was so loud that the whole restaurant glared at us.

“You’re embarrassing me.” I asked both of them to sit down while whispering and listen to my story first.

“How?” Jisu asked while Somi apologised.

“Choiseunghamnida. Choiseunghamnida.” And she bowed. “How did you kiss him?” Somi asked after sitting down.

“I didn’t really kiss him. Like I said, it was unintentionally and I was sorry that I kissed him.”

“How can you be sorry? You should be grateful.” Jisu excitedly said.

“Who saw you? Did anyone saw you?!” Somi curiously asked.

“Yes. The other members except Himchan as he wasn’t there.”

“WHAT?!” They both shouted at the same time, again and the people glared at us, AGAIN.

“We should get out of here.” I suggested, regretting that I told them about all of it.

Embarrassed enough, I stood up and got out before things gets worse.

“Is it all you’re having? Should we order a take out? What should we do?” Somi excitedly or what looks like stupidly excited to me said.

“Do whatever you want. I just wanna get out of here.”

“Okay. Fine but you’re still going to tell me about what happen today, right?”

“I can’t promise you both anything but I’ll try my best.”

“You sound like you’re going somewhere.” Jisu said.

“I’m going. I’m really going somewhere out of this place.” I hurried and went out outside and waited for Somi as she was still inside, paying.

As we walked down the road, I told them how my day went. “Should we stop somewhere and buy some ice cream?” Somi looked at me.

“I’m full. I don’t wanna get fat.” Jisu frowned.

“You’re paying?” I asked Somi and she nodded. “Then, I’m in!” I continued.

We reached home and they’re still not over my “Kissing Scene” with a celebrity.

“That is SO awesome, onnie!This is huge!” Jisu made a huge cicrle as she was saying "HUUUUGE

“You sleeping over?” I asked to Somi, ignoring the attention I’m getting.

“Can I?” Walking towards the living room.

“Sure. It’s been a long time.” I smiled.

It was just 9 pm when we arrived and we chatted even longer while watching TV that when I looked at the clock, it says – 12:23 AM. It’s been hours and they keep asking me to tell them MORE about what happen today. They wanted to hear the whole story and so, to satisfy their “hunger”, I told them everything. No exceptions and their expression, just as I expected – SHOCKED and EXCITED.

“And THE END.” Finishing my story. “That’s what happen today and if you don’t have any more questions, wait, even if you have questions, I won’t answer it 'cause I’m going to bed.” I stood up and stretched my body for it’s been hours since I haven’t left my chair and my feet were numb.

“Goodnight, everyone.” I waved and went to my room. I saw my laptop and wondered if I should write what happen today at my blog. But I was too tired the internet can't even stop me. I decided to write tomorrow and jumped to my bed.


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