Their First Ever Live Performance That I Saw

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We finally arrived at the building. The show was about to start but there were still empty seats and luckily enough, I guess, we get to seat at the 3rd row. Minutes later, I started to get bored and decided to get out for a minute. The singers were all great but they didn't wow me at all.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Pats Jisu's shoulder. "I'll be right back. Don't let anyone sit here. You're dead if this is stolen." clutching my fist.

"Arasseo. Don't worry." She looked at the stage again and shouted, "Ahhhh!!! Woo!!!" I was between her and Somi and I couldn't help but endure all the shouting. I stood up and went out. Then asked some random guy where the toilet is.

"Hwajangsil? Ahhh...go straight and then..." He suddenly stopped. "Ummm, let me go with you. I'm heading towards that direction, anyway. ", and he made a smile.

I don't know if I ever saw him before but he looks so familiar. I tried to recall anything but there was nothing, AT ALL.

"Here we are. Ummm, it was nice helping you." And he landed a smile as he left. After I did my business, my phone started to ring.


"Where are you?" It was a guy's voice and sounded like my 23 year old cousin.

"Wae? Is there something wrong?"

"You're not in your house. That's why."

"Ahhh...Somi took me to dinner with Jisu."

"Ahhh...Okay. I'm hanging up."

"Wait!" I shouted at him through the phone but didn't get to as he already hung up.

I went back to the stage and they were still shouting.

"Onnie, its B.A.P! I can't believe I'm seeing them! I'm sooo excited! And ummm...can you point out the guy who you bumped into earlier?" Jisu whispered.

"But you already know who he is." I replied.

"I'm just making sure." She whispered again.

"Arasseo. I'll point him out for you." Then, the boys came out and the noise got louder.

"That one! The one with the husky voice!" I shouted to Jisu.

"It really is Yongguk." She sounded a little bit off.

"Wae? You like him?"

"Well, let's just say I do." She smiled then started shouting again. "Knowing that there are only 5 of them performing is so sad. I really hope Himchan oppa is doing fine." She sobbed.

"The cute one?"

"Yup." She sighs then nods and pouts her mouth.

"I talked to that guy earlier." I pointed to the guy who told me where the toilet is. "I asked him where the toilet is and he said he's heading towards that direction, too." Looked at Jisu.

"That's Daehyun!" She shouted to my ear. "He's the lead vocalist!" She shouted again.

Their performance was over and I realised that my phone wasn't with me.

"Hey! Did you see my phone?" I asked Jisu.

'What should I do? Where the hell is my phone?'

"You went to the toilet earlier. Maybe you left it. What if it fell off the bowl?"

"Dongwoo called me earlier."

"Our one and only mature cousin?!" She shouted with her eyebrows up.

Now, let me tell you why Dongwoo is our only mature cousin. When our parents died, our grandparents wanted to take care of us but since they're not so good at health, Dongwoo's mom which is my mom's younger sister decided to take us in. But it was only for the money. My mom's family were finacially stable and my grandfather decided to give it up to mom as she was the eldest. But aunt Miseon wasn't satisfied. After both my parents passed away, aunt Miseon sold the house thinking of the money as a "reward" for them to take care of us later on. Since my mom passed away, my dad has been the greatest gift. But it was all taken away after a year of my moms death. Dad was on the way to our house when the same thing happened to him. Car accident. He was coming home from work for my moms 1st year anniversary. Sadly enough, 2 days after was their 22nd anniversary together.

Back to aunt Miseon, she took us in and knows that we dislikes her. Things turned to be her worst nightmare. She thought she could make me suffer, but it was actually her who suffered. She askes me to clean the bathroom, to clean their rooms, to clean the whole house. But luckily for me and too bad for her, I got dads stubborness. I don't budge. I don't get out of my room, either and it was all thanks to dads stubborness. I'm sometimes glad that I got his attittude. Aunt Miseon's husband isn't that bad. I mean, he sometimes helps us, but whenever there's a fight going on between me and his wife, he never says anything. He just sits and watch like we're some kind of a Hollywood movie.

Too tired of my stubborness, she finally kicked us out and it was the first time I was ever grateful to her. I wanted to leave all this time, but wasn't able to as we had no one else to turn to. After the kick-out, Dongwoo took us to his friends apatment and let us stay there for months. Thankfully, his friend isn't as bad as I thought 20 year olds would be- like; likes clubbing, drinking, and only thinks of girls. Anyway, Dongwoo supported us all this years and have treated us like his own family. Wait...we are family, by the way.

"Yeah. I should go back to the toilet aaand since B.A.P's performance is over, I'll be waiting at the exit."

"Arasseo." She nodded.

"Call me if you don't see me, okay?" Making my way out.

"What if you don't find your phone?"

"I will find it."

"I'm just saying." She puts her hands up. "Okay. I'll call you." She nodded again. "If you ever find your phone again." She murmured.

"I heard that!" I shouted after standing up my chair.


Afraid that someone might already take it or called me, I rush my way into the crowd. I was running as fast as I can when I bumped into someone and we fell together. The next thing I knew was that I'm on top of him and that our lips were touching.

'This day couldn't be the worst day I've had.'

I had my eyes wide open and so was his. To avoid misunderstandings, I stood up as fast as I can but I was too late. Shocked as I was, the guy I accidentally kissed was actually a member of B.A.P.


"Hyung!" I turned my head around to face a confused Zelo and excited Youngjae

" kissed." Zelo softly said. I thought he was going to shout and be like - 'Hyung! You kissed a stranger!' - But he didn't. Instead, he said it softly without any emotions.

"Wow. This is interesting." Yongguk showed up, crossing his arms.

"Hyung." Daehyun finally spoke. His voice sounded different. "It was an accident." He was serious.

" was an accident! I ...I didn't mean to kiss him!" I strongly defended myself and was grateful to Daehyun.

"So, just like what happen to us..." he pointed his fingers at me then to himself, back and forth " was merely an ACCIDENT? Nothing more?" He squinted his eyes.

"Exactly!" I clapped my hands together and both my palms turned red. "Ouch!" I rubbed my right palm.


"Wow! You talk so fast I couldn't understand what you were saying." I was so strongly defending myself that I didn't even notice Jongup. He looked at the other members.

"So, ummm...I'm sorry and I swear..." Raising my right hand up, "... that it will never happen again." I continued and turned and walked away slowly.

"You might as well run if you want your phone back." Yongguk said and I started running. Without any reason, I was pissed. Because of Yongguk. He was making fun of me.

I waved my hands as a sign of thank you but didn't look back at them.

I opened the bathroom door and found my phone near the sink, untouched. And a sigh of relief was release.


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