Chapter seven: Family

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-Becs pov-
At the moment were sitting in the taylor's living room- carters last name- (a/n if i have already gave carter a last name I'm sorry but its taylor from know on)watching tv.
"Bec, do you want to meet your real family?" Louis says randomly
"Ummmm...i dont know... i guess... tell me about them"i say turning off the tv
"Well theres lottie,fizzy and the twins phoebe and daisy and of course mum and dad" louis explains " OH MY GOSH!! I have to tell mum!! I completly forgot!!"
"That would be a good idea" i say half laughing

Ringggg ringggg
"Speaking of mum" louis mutters i laugh

-louis pov-
M= louis' mum
LO= lottie
L-hey mum i...
L- thats what i was about to say!
M- well then explain!
(By this time i had walked out of the room)
L- i found her...
M-found who?
M- bbbb...bec... THUMP!!
LO- LOUIS!! Its lottie. Why did mum faint?
L-remember how we always used to have a party at the same time each year for a reason mum wouldn't tell...
LO- yer,we still do that...
L-i found out the reason and the reason is in the next room.
LO-soooooo...whats the reason?
L- you have a sister
LO- yer, fizzy,daisy and phoebe?
L- no you have an older sister
LO- lou did you just call yourself a girl...
L-NO!! Im not a girl!! You have another sister!! Her name is rebecca!
LO-i...have...another...sister...when did you find this out?
L-earlier today,she was Harry's adopted sister...i have to go now bye lottie tell mum im coming for a visit and I'm bringing Bec
LO- bye lou
-back in the living room(still louis' pov)-
"I told her,she fainted, so i told Lottie instead"i say"did you know that ever year on your birthday we have a party... cake and everything!"
"Wow...why did she give me up then..." Bec says
"I think i'll let mum tell you that" i say "oh and don't think i have forgot about your birthday"
"Urggggg! Come on!! Cant you just pretend that its not happening!"Bec whines
"Nope!its two weeks away and were going home so that you can spend it with your real family!" I say
"What if they don't like me?...what if mum gave me up cause she didn't want me?..."bec says worry clear in her voice
"Well were just gonna have to find out!" I say " were leaving in 4days"

-4 days later,on the plane-
-Becs pov-
I haven't spoken to harry or Harry's mum yet,I've been staying at the taylor's evan tho there home...louis had no chose but to go back to the flat he shares with harry...i don't know if he's talking to him to...were about to land and I'm seriously so scared that i might explode! louis notices and squeezes my hand
"Were about to land please everyone stay seated and put on your seat belts" the captain says through the speakers
"This is it"louis says
"You sure...i could just jump out the window...yer that would work" i say
"Ohhhhh no your not going anywhere missy, i lost you once and i will never lose you ever again...ever"louis says before kissing my hand
"I hardly know anything about you...yet...i still love you..." i sigh
"I love you too Rebecca Emma Tomlinson" he whispers
"How do you know my middle name not even Harry's mum knows my middle name!" I exclaim
"I chose it" he says smiling
"You did... "
"Mmhm"he says
"You may exit the plane.Thank you for flying air america(A/N i couldn't think of a plane company so air America it is!)."the captain says through the speaker
"Lets go i guess..." i say

-off the plane-
"Mum is waiting out there" louis informs me
"Are you sure i cant hop on to another plane!" I say
"Hey" louis says pulling me to a stop " there gonna love you, not as much as i love you but alot nether the me"
"LOUIS!!" I hear what sounds like a number of girls voices
"LOTTIE!FIZZY!!PHOEBE!!DAISY!!" Louis yells to the girls who have just run up to him "i must
introduce you to your sister! Girls this is bec"
"Umm...hi?" I say but it ends up more of like a question
"Hi! I'm Lottie! This is fizzy,phoebe and daisy!" Lottie says pointing to each girl in turn
"Bbb...Bec?" Someone says from behind
"Thats me!" I say turning around "and you must be mum..."

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