No...this cant be happning

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-becs pov- -at home-

"Oh bec who were the 2 people you were talking to at the water park?" Louis asks popping his head into the room I'm using as my bed room

"Oh just fans of mine" i say bluntly

"Why do you have fans?" Louis asks now laying down next to me

"Oh I'm youtube famous so yer...oh and 2 of my best friends are jack and finn harries!!" I say

"And why didn't you tell me this before?"louis questioned

"Well it wa..." i say but am cut off by my phone i check the caller I.D and it says unknown


UK -unknown



UK- hello is this Rebecca Tomlinson?

B- yes thats me..."

UK- hello rebecca im calling from the hospital

(UK is now h for hospital)

B- what happened?

H-well there has been an incident involving mr and mrs taylor and you were on top of there in case of emergence list so we need you to come down to the hospital asap

B-i'll be there in a couple of hours thank you bye

📱 (Lol i just relised that i put UK!!! I do not mean the country!!)

"Louis we have to go home NOW!!" I say before getting up and packing my bag with tears running down my face

"Bec whats wrong?" Louis asks worry clear in his voice

"Cccarters parents got in an incident and i need to be there to take care of carter and be by there side" i stuttered

"Ok ill get you home give me a minute to tell mum and pack ok" louis says "Bec its gonna be alright"

-3 hours later bec and louis are at the hospitable (still becs pov)-

"Rebecca Tomlinson?" I heard a nurse call out

"Thats me" i say as i stand up and walk over to the nurse

"Well I'm sorry to inform you but mr taylor has died but mrs taylor is awake but doesn't have much time and she wishes to speak to you" the nurse tells me with a comforting smile

I nod not trusting my voice and walk into the room seeing the woman i called mum for most of my life...

"Bec...behind the painting the day we brought you in" she croaks and then i hear the most sickening noise i ever thought i would have to hear












"No no no no no" i whisper before bursting into uncontrollable tears then nurses and doctors all burst into the room while some try to bring her back to life others drag me out of the room were louis is waiting

"Shhhhh its ok becky...its gonna be alright..." louis coos into my ear

"Were is she?" I hear and immediately know its harry. At this moment i couldn't care less about how he lied to me cause right now hes the only person who knows who i need...the only person that can calm me down...well only people... Jack and Finn harries...


Ello!! I did add the harries twins in cause well i can!! WANNA KNOW WHAT BEHIND THE PAINTING AND THE DAY THEY BROUGHT BEC IN!!! WELL IMA NOT GONNA TELL YA!! You are now my dinosaurs so byeeeeee dinosaurs!!





Adios my little dinosaurs! 👋

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