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Becs pov

Todays the day... the day im gonna get the will from the safety deposit box. 3248.
I walk to the place where the safety deposits boxes are.
"Safety deposit box for the taylors" i say to the lady behind the counter
"Passcode" she says not looking up
"3248" i reply
"Follow me" shes says getting up and walking through a set of doors

-a lot of twists and turns later-
"Here we are, go inside and take whatever's in there that you need,ill wait for you here." She says
"Thanks" i say the go inside, inside are photos,books furniture but right in the middle is a podium with a booklet on top saying Dave and Alice Taylor's will.

-at taylor house-

After getting the will i came back to the Taylor's house and started reading the will, i skimmed over most of it and found a small note
Dear Rebecca ,
We talked it over and decided that if and when we pass away carter will be put into your care, we also thought that if you were to take care of him it might be hard seeing as you would be a 'single mother' so we have decided to give you our house and life savings.
We hope you at least think about this offer and we love you and will be watching over you.
We aways thought of you as another child, we love you.

Goodbye for the last time,
Alice and Dave
They left me all there money, there house. Most importantly CARTER!!how am i supposed to look after a 3 year old!?!? I gotta call lou.

B- hey lou its bec
L- hey whats up
B- well...i got there will today and found out that if i agree carter,there house and all there life savings are mine,and i dont know what to do cause i dont think i will be able to take care of a 3 year old, i mean, im 18!
L-wow...where are you ill come over and we'll talk
B- im at ...well i guess you could say my house
L-ok i'll be there in 10
B-cool bye
L- bye

-13 minutes later-
I was sitting on the couch when 2 hands covered my eyes.
" hey Niall.Your late Lou" i say
"How'd ya know it was me?" Niall whined
" your hands smelt like Nando's, you better of brought me some" i warn
" how come i get in trouble for being late but he doesnt?and yes we did bring you some" louis asks
"Well louis, he didnt know what time you said you would be here and gimme." I told him
"Uwncle Lou! Uwncle ni!" Carter yells
" hey buddy, how bout we go up stairs and play while becky and uncle lou talk?" Niall asks carter
"Owkay!" Carter say and runs off dragging niall along with him
"Im guessing he knows..." i say
"He doesn't know actuary, he just came cause he wanted to play with carter and get Nando's...speaking of Nando's here" he says and chucks a Nando's bag at me "theres a little something for carter in there"
"Thank you!" I say "now about the carter problem..."
"I think you should do what you think is right to you...louis says
"Gee thanks that totally helped HEAPS!" I say "note the sarcasm"
"Hey hey hey ! I wasn't finished yet!what i was going to say before i was so rudely interrupted..." louis says playfully glaring at me " was i think that if you decide not to keep him you will still have the house and money so that everyday is gonna be a constant reminder of him, and maybe- just maybe- one day you'll want him back and you'll have no idea where to look cause he's off in some home with his new adopted family, but if you keep him you'll see him everyday and maybe it will get hard being...well i guess you could call it a 'single mother' but you'll have me and the rest of the boys not to mention all of dave and alice's family members! So what im try to say is where all here for you..."

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