The Park

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"Becky!" I hear, its probably Carter "Can we go to the park now! Can we take Boo! And Niall too! He's nice, he bought me ice cream and played superheros with me!!" yep that's carter alright.

"Alright Car, i just got to say good morning to grandma first." Yeah so the name Car kinda just stuck. Zayn started saying it then I started saying it and BOOM! Now every ones calling him Car. "Hey Niall, I'm taking Carter to the park and he wants you to come"

"Coming Bec!" I hear Niall yell from upstairs.

"Morning Mum" i say walking into the kitchen "Happy new year!

"You to sweetie" she says back giving me a hug "Boo should be in Lotties bedroom, hav fun at the park. I packed you a picnic cause i heard Carter talking about it this moning"

"Thank you!" i yell running up the stairs "Lottie! Wake up I'm taking Carter and Boo to the park but youve got Boo!"

"Shut up!" she yelled into her pillow. So really it sounded like Suaat umpt. Pretty funny really. "He's laying next to me! I'm not blocking your path at all" By this point she had flipped over and was glaring at me

"Love you too Lottie! Happy new year!" I yelled

"Whatever! Leave so I can sleep!" She groaned

"Come on boo!" I yell running back down the stairs "Niall hurry or I'll leave you behind. You too Car!"

"Becky don"t leave me!" I hear at the same time. Niall Didn't say he was coming, that was Carter. That boy, I am positive that he has the maturity of a 5 year old

But you still love him

Wait what?


So sorry it's short but at least it's something! So basically I'm about to fast forward abit. Have fun!

I'm already working on the next chapter and its like 3/4 of the way through. Maybe less

I'll be writing soon!!

-Chloe xxx

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