Elounor Calder

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-bec pov-

Never in a million years did I think I would be standing in an airport waiting for my immature, 5-year-old at heart brother's girlfriend. I thought he would be the kinda guy that got his first serious girlfriend at the age of... I don't know 26 maybe? If she can put up with his annoying-ness then she is definitely a keeper.

"Lou!" A girly voice yells and all of a sudden The domino effect happens. The girl- who I'm guessing is Eleanor- launches onto Lou who, from the shock and force of having a person launched onto him, falls backwards and it just so happens that I'm standing behind him. So to sum it up, all three of us end up on the floor, drawing the attention of literary everyone in the airport. To make matters worse, there are a number of teen-aged girls in this airport. All of them gasp when they spot Lou.

"Um guys, not that this reunion isn't cute or anything but firstly your blocking my windpipes and secondly there is a number of teenaged girls pointing and a lot of them seem to know who we are." I choke out "so right now I'd rather not die from being bombarded and suffocated by teenaged girls."

"Opps" Louis chuckles "we better run" then all of a sudden I'm being pulled up from the floor and dragged across the airport towards our car. Isn't my brother just so nice.


-next day-

"LOUIS! Go away! I wanna have a girls day with your siblings!" Eleanor yells "Louis! Stop!"

"But, El! It's New Year's Eve! I wanna spend it with you!" Louis whines

"I'll see you tonight!" Eleanor sighs "plus I'll see you tonight! I'm planning on taking them shopping"

"I'll come shopping with you!" Louis exclaims

"No! Go find Daniel!" Eleanor says walking over to me

"Lou!" I yell before he walks out

"What do you want now?" He groans

"Take Carter with you" I say smiling innocently

"Fine" he sighs "Come on Car"

"What's with everyone calling him Car lately?" I question

"I don't know" He answers "Zayn called him that and it kinda just stuck"

"Becky! Come on! Let's round up the girls and go!" Eleanor yells from the other room where she moved to while I was talking to Louis"


"YAY!" I hear from upstairs. Laughing I start looking for Louis' keys as were not going to be able to fit in one car without being uncomfortable.

Five minutes later I'm driving to the shopping centre with Lottie next to me and Daisy in the back sitting next to Carter's car seat. The girls, of course thought it would be fun to roll down all the windows, put one of Lou's many CDs in and begin singing at the top of their voices. Gaining many strange looks cast our way.

"Come on Bec! Sing with us!" Lottie pleaded "pleeaassseee!"

"And to think a couple of months ago I didn't know who my family was and now I act like I've been with them my whole life" I muttered to myself

"Come on Becky!Don't be boring" Daisy said dramatically

"Fine!" I exclaimed

"If this room was burning, I wouldn't even notice. 'Cause you've been taking up my mind. With your little white lies, little white lies." We all sang together. Yeah, they found Lou's copy of Midnight Memories. They insisted.

I love my family.


YAY! I'm back!

I'm soooooooooooooo, so, so, so, SO sorry that I haven't been updating!! I'm a despicable human being! But today I will be making lots of chapters cause I'm supposed to be at school but I is sick. Which means I will update!!

I'm excited cause tomorrow is my best friends birthday!! YAY!!! She's turning 14 😊😊

ALSO!!! In September I'm going on a holiday to QLD!! My family and some family friends are going to the theme parks and then to Fraser Island. I'm really excited! Only sucky thing is that I'm the only girl

:( I'll live tho.

I have 3 brothers and no sisters. The people I'm going with only have 2 boys.

ANYWHALE!! I'm sorry it's short but I wanted to give you something, so Yeah. Again I'm sorry for not updating for like 3 months but yeah. LOVE YOU!!




-Chloe, the girl who's sorry for not updating xxx

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