Comfort and Alerts

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Chase's POV

My eyes slowly emerge open as I begin to wake you up. It felt nice to just escape from the world with a little sleep, it really calmed my nerves. Despite all that has happened with Mr Davenport, I felt a lot more calm. I glance over at the three capsules and only see Adam in his. I glance over at the couch to see Leo snoring away.
As I walk out of my capsule I notice Bree sitting on at the counter silently.
"Hey Bree is everything ok?" I ask
She jumps in fright as she hears my voice
" Ohh, Chase! Can you not do that, you scared me." She says whilst shaking in fear
" Sorry, I just wanted to see if you were ok" I say
She looks at me with a sympathetic look
" Really, I should be the one checking up on you. Are you ok?" She asks quietly
I let out a small sigh whilst taking a seat on the chair next to her.
" I'm doing fine. Really, I am. I spoke to Mr Davenport and told him how I would never change to structure of a mission again. I told him I will never put you guys in danger again. I told him I was sorry for being a burden and for being a bad mission leader." I say

" Chase, you are a great mission leader and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Yes you can be demanding and annoying and in most cases a nut case, but you are a great mission leader" Bree comments

" Thanks, I think" I reply
" The point is Chase you are a great mission leader, and you are always there for me, Adam and Leo. I hope you know how much we value you on the team." Bree says
I let out a small chuckle of laughter. It felt good to laugh, it took away from all the anger that was burning within me.
" Thanks Bree, I really appreciate this talk." I reply
" Your my little brother I will always be there for you." Bree says as she pats me on the back

I was about to go back to my capsule to change before Adam stomped out of his capsule yelling.
I see Leo roll of the couch and screaming
I wince in pain as the screaming hurts my bionic hearing.
" Adam, why are you screaming?" Bree asks annoyed
" I'm not screaming this is my normal voice" He shouts once again
I roll my eyes in annoyance. I go to help Leo up who was still lying on the floor in fright.
" What is with this family and sudden wake up calls. I need my sleep. I need at least 10 hours of solid sleep if I want to get that Leo Glow" he says while motioning his hands to his face
" Give me a break!" I say in laughter

Adam slowly emerges from his capsule rubbing his eyes.
" Seriously guys what are you doing up so early" He asks oblivious to what the actual time was.
" Adam its 10:00am" I say
" It is, Ohh yeah it is" He says while look at his watch
" Well I'm going back to bed, wake me up when Chase grows a little taller" He comments whilst motioning his hands to me
I laugh sarcastically whilst throwing a ball at him
"Your so funny aren't....."
I was cut of by the sound of a mission alert. I quickly rush to the cyber desk frantically typing. It doesn't take long for Mr Davenport to walk in. As soon as he walked in a mix of emotions burned within me again. He locked eyes with me before returning his eyes back to the mission alert.
" Ok guys. One of my offshore facilities is in crisis. There was a malfunction with one Davenport industries biggest projects, when my fellow scientists were trying to test it. I need you guys to swoop in and rescue all my employees. Now the devices power source is located in a separate vault underneath the facility. Adam, Bree and Leo you guys will ensure that all my scientists are rushed to safety, some of them have suffered severe injuries so be careful. Chase your job is to go into the vault and turn the devises power source off. You are the only one that will be able to crack it." Mr Davenport explains between breaths

I quickly change into my mission suit and grab my gear alongside Adam ,Bree and Leo.
"Follow my precise planning, and you won't fail" Mr Davenport states in a demanding voice whilst glaring at me
I roll my eyes In anger at his comment. I knew he was referring to me.
" Ohh and Chase I nearly forgot to tell you...."
" Ohhh that's right you forgot to tell me what I'm going wrong well please by all means tell me now" I ask angered
He stares me dead in the eye with anger flaring on his face.
" Don't put the team in danger" He commands whilst grabbing his tablet, and pushing me aside.
I blink back the tears that are slowly forming in my eyes
" Don't worry Mr Davenport I promise I won't be a disappointment, Maybe you didn't really mean your so called ' apology' I say to him
I felt a little sorry for the way I had been yelling at him, but this situation wasn't all my fault.
His face lite up in anger, whilst I burned in fury
" You know what Chase, your right I didn't mean it. Maybe you being a burden to the team is true." Mr Davenport bellowed with no sense of sympathy on his face.
I stood there in shock. It almost hurts as much as the first time he said it. At that moment I let my guard down.
" I'm sorry for yelling Mr Davenport, I promise I will follow your orders. I say genuinely
I leave the room at that moment. Despite all the emotions I felt I had to push them down. The team needed their mission leader to be focused. The team needed their leader to not be a burden.

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