Survial and plans

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Adam POV
I ran through the halls frantically calling Chase's name but I got no response. My nerves were growing by the second. I was overwhelmed by fear. I didn't know if Chase was ok or in danger. All I knew was that I needed to get there, and fast. I quickly bolt down the halls, till I come into view of a titanium door. Red lights flashed around it.
" Chase, Chase can you hear me? Answer me Chase!" I cry
" Adam, thank goodness. Chase is trapped in the vault and it is filling up with water. I need you to go to the platform next to the vault door, and there is a button called 'clear view'. This will transform the vault doors to a clear glass so you can see Chase. I can't communicate with Chase the connection has gone down" Mr Davenport instructed

I see the platform and carry out the instructions Mr Davenport set out. A bright yellow light shone and the titanium transformed to glass.
I saw Chase frantically messing with the cords in a metal box at the far bottom corner of the vault.
" Chase, I'm over here!" I shout
He quickly turns around and sees me. A smile lights up on his face.

Chase POV

My communication with Mr Davenport had been cut off moments after. Which meant I couldn't communicate with him.
As soon as I saw Adam, I was over come by joy. I didn't know how the titanium transformed into glass but the good news now, was that I could be saved.
" Adam" I shout
" Chase, I need to get you out of there the room is filling with water" He explained
" Really I didn't notice" I sarcastically say
The water was already up to my waist. If I didn't get out soon the result would be catastrophic.
" Try punching down the glass" I tell Adam
He tried several times but no prevail. Soon after Leo and Bree arrived.
" CHASE, are you ok?" Bree screamed
" Ohh yeah I'm just great, just counting down the seconds till I die" I casually say

Adam's POV
" Mr Davenport why isn't the glass breaking" Adam asked
" I forgot that when the vault goes into lockdown mode the glass becomes impenetrable. The shock from the forcefield also must of caused it to lock tighter then usual ." Mr Davenport explains

Chase POV
I sigh in great distress. I didn't want to die, the water was slowly rising, I knew I didn't have much time left. Suddenly the floor began to shake.
My siblings get knocked to the ground by the sudden jolt.
" Guys the whole building is coming down soon. Adam use your super strength to stabilise the walls. It may put the building back on its foundations" I command
Adam jumps straight into action holding a beam up with his 2 bear hands.
" Leo, Bree, I'm going to dive under the water and see if I can decrypt the code from the metal box. Luckily all the features of the box are water proof so I may be able to take the vault off lockdown. Maybe I can even find away to stop the building from collapsing. There is a pillar in the corner of the room. If I push it down on an angle it will prevent the roof from collapsing on you guys." I instruct
Bree and Leo exchange worried glances.
" Chase its to risky, you may die" Leo says
" But if I don't do anything I will surely die,and you guys will too. Bree if anything happens I need you to leave me and use your super speed to get you Leo and Adam to safety."  I say in determination
" Chase we're not leaving without you." Bree cries on the verge of tears.
The water was slowly rising it was soon up to my elbows.
" Bree listen, you have to promise me that if I don't come up within the next 5 minutes you have to leave." I command despite the fear I had in my heart
" I can't " she stutters under her breath
I saw Adam struggling.
"I'm going in" I explain before forcing myself under the water, ignoring my sisters protests.

My vision was very blurred under the water. I held my breath whilst pushing my self down deeper. I saw the metal box in the bottom corner of the vault. I quickly swim to it using all my strength. I try to yank the cord that would stop the vault from filling with water and take it off lock down, but it was no use. I was already exhausted and not having oxygen in my lungs made my exhaustion worse. I see the pillar in the opposite corner of the vault. Using all my strength I try to push the pillar on angle. I was running low on oxygen, all I wanted was air.
A single thought entered my mind " Don't put the team in danger." A boost of adrenaline bursts through my veins and I pushed the pillar over. The pillar was collapsing on an angle which worked perfectly.
Suddenly I felt the vault shake. The room wasn't going to collapse but the water was very high now. I knew I wasn't going to escape.

As I raise my head up to the surface of the water gasping for air. I notice how high the water is. It is up to my shoulders. I was now floating in the water.

" Adam, Bree, Leo the pillar is supporting the roof. It won't last long though. You guys need to escape.The whole building may come down very soon if the pillar can't hold its weight" I cry
" We are not leaving without you " Adam shouts back
He almost sounded like he was going to cry.
The water was getting higher and I was nearly submerged.
" Guys please, leave now, I'll be fine" I stutter as water is forced into my lungs. I was on the verge of tears. I didn't want it to end like this but my siblings needed to get to safety and that's all that mattered. I had to accept the fact that I was going to die.
I stare at Bree who is in great distress
" Please, go save your self. Tell Mr Davenport I'm sorry for yelling at him." I say as I struggle to keep my head above the water. I was slowly sinking as my head went further under the water.
"Thanks for always being there for me, I love you guys." I whisper back through shaky breathes

The water had reached full capacity and I was now under the surface. Bree, Leo and Adam were banging on the glass in fear as tears streamed down their faces. They were all crying. It broke my heart. Was this the last time I would see them, was this it. I regretted all my arguing I has with Mr Davenport I just wanted to see him one last time.
I began to go short on oxygen. This was it. I was soon consumed into a world of darkness!

Bree's POV

" CHASE!" Adam, Leo and I cry. I saw my brothers head go under the water. His lungs were filling with water and he was loosing oxygen.
Leo, Adam and I frantically bang on the glass.
" WE HAVE TO SAVE HIM! " I cry in anger and sadness. My eyes were red as I saw my brother forced into the water.
" Wait a second I have an idea. I may be able to save Chase I just need to call in for backup." Leo says in a confident voice.

Hope you guys enjoyed that chapter. Cliffhanger. What will happen to Chase? Will Leo's plan to save Chase work? Find out in the next chapter.
Till next time

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