Is he alive?

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Previously on It only took one word!

Suddenly we hear loud chants coming from the infirmary . We quickly rush to the infirmary window. Chases's limp body jolted up as the defibrillator touched his chest.
" CLEAR" the doctor shouted
Nothing happened. Tears were streaming down my face
" CLEAR AGAIN" the doctor screamed as the defibrillator touched his chest again
Nothing happened. My heart was pounding out of my chest. " This is all my fault"  I whispered as I squeeze my eyes shut.
" Let's try one more time! CLEAR" the doctor cried

Mr Davenport's POV

There was silence. No movement came from me or the others. I didn't want to look, I didn't know what I was going to see. I only hoped it would be good. I finally decide to look up. I see the doctors surrounding my son. Nothing had happened he stayed on the bed so still? I began to cry harder.
I felt Adam embrace me in a hug. I felt his chest moving up and down with shaky breaths as tears drizzled down his face. Bree broke down in sorrow as she tears poured out of her like a steam. Leo remained quiet and still. It's like time froze.
I look through the glass window one more time, except this time something was different.

I saw Chases chest moving he was breathing. Suddenly he jolted awake coughing violently and tears in his eye. The doctors comforted him and laid him down to rest.
I couldn't believe it my son is alive.
" Guys look" I shout in joy
Soon we are all looking through the window with tears of joy. I saw Chases eyes open and that's all I really wanted. The doctors seemed to be talking to him and his face seemed to be blank with confusion. That made me worried.
Without wasting a second we all rush into the infirmary.

" Can I see my son" I asked the doctor
He seemed reluctant at first before finally giving in.
" You can see him for about 5 minutes, but after that I will have to ask you to leave. I have some news" He says before getting up and directing us to the room where Chase was.
I saw him lying there. His eyes were closed. I slowly approached him while the others trailed behind me.
" Chase" I whisper as I shake him gently
His eyes slowly emerge open.
" Chase, how are you feeling?" I ask
" Are you ok?, Do you feel dizzy?" We all ask
His eyes stared at us lost.
" I'm sorry who are you guys?" Chase asked
My heart stopped beating as I saw the look of confusion on his face.
One of the doctors approached me and began to push us out of the room.

" Sir we need to talk" the doctor said in a serious tone.
He directed me and the others to a seat and began to talk.
" Sir, Your son is alive, and that is a miracle considering the amount of water he swallowed. However there have been some side effects. You will find that at random times Chase may be short of breath. He will also get dizzy. " The doctor stated
" Is that it, that's all that's wrong with him ." I ask hoping
The doctor let out a heavy sigh.
" You didn't let me finish. Chase has some brain damage." The doctor finally said
My face turned pale.
" I'm sorry what did you say. My son can't have brain damage, he just can't."  I shout.
" I'm sorry sir. You will notice that Chase may get dizzy at times. However that's no the biggest issue. Sir your son has suffered memory loss." He says
My heart dropped to my feet. Memory loss. This has to be a nightmare.
" He will be able to regain parts of his memory through little events its just going to take some time. I'm sorry" the doctor explained before leaving the room.

I sat their silently lost in thought. I looked through the window seeing the doctors talking to Chase.
" Mr Davenport, what are we going to do?" Bree asked in a worried tone.
I look at my kids and see there faces. It hurt my heart so much. Chase didn't know who we were.
" I don't know." I finally respond
I look at Chase who was currently talking to the doctor who was pointing at us. Chase looked at me for a moment and then his siblings. He seemed confused, but revealed a small comforting smile.
This made me feel a lot better.
" Guys, I know this is tough. But we have to be brave for Chase. He needs us more then ever. For him to get his memory back, will take a long time. We just need to be there for Chase as much as possible." I explain
They all nod in agreement.
" We need to be there for him" Leo exclaimed
" For  Chase " Adam stated
We all glare at each other
" For Chase" we all reply
" Ok guys. Why don't you go change out of your mission suits. If you guys can start to tell the students what's happened just so they are aware." I order
" Got it" they reply before leaving the room.

I walk back into the room where Chase is.
" Can I please have a moment with my son" I ask the doctors
" Sure" they reply before heading to file a report
Chase lies on the bed in a deep sleep. I take a seat on the chair next to it.
" Chase if you can here me I just wanted to say I'm sorry. It's my fault you are in this situation and I feel terrible. I just have to tell you one thing. Yesterday I said something to I never meant and I just wanted to apologise. You are a great mission leader and your siblings really appreciate all that you do for them. I just wish I could've seen that, and I'm sorry. I don't know if you will remember this but I just really needed to apologise.I promise I will try and be a better father. I cry before resting my head in his bed.

I felt the bed shake and saw Chase open his eyes. He looked at me in the eyes. I was happy to at least see my son alive. Although I saw that he was shaking and saw his eyes full of confusion
" Hi" I say to Chase as my hands shake
He stared at me in complete confusion. For a moment his eyes softened and he stopped shaking
" Hi" he replied
I smiled at him. It doesn't matter how long it takes I won't give up on Chase.

Authors note
Yay Chase is alive. Did I make you think Chase was dead at the start. I am so evil.
I absolutely loved writing this. It was definitely a very emotional chapter. I added some bonding parts between Chase and Mr Davenport.
Thats it for now. Thanks for all the votes and comments you guys are awesome. I will see you in the next chapter. Thanks

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