One Day In LA

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The sun rose on Monday and I woke up with Jack laying next to me. I decided to go check on her boyfriend, Thomas. I got off of the couch and walked up the stairs, careful not to make any noises. I walked over to what use to bed Ian's old room and opened the door. I saw Thomas on his computer with head phones on. He noticed me and smiled.

"Good morning to ya, Maddie", Thomas said sorta loud.

"Shhh, Thomas, I'm like the only one awake",I said. "How did you sleep?",.

"Fine, thanks", Thomas said.

"Are you hungry?", I asked.

"Sure, I could eat", Thomas replied taking off his head phones and laying his laptop on the bed. Thomas follows me back down the stairs and onto the kitchen.

"So do you like coffee or tea?", I asked.

"Coffee please but with cream and sugar", Thomas said. I began to make Thomas coffee like I made Mark's and then Annalee woke up and came downstairs to join us.

"Good morning Children of the house", Annalee said to Thomas and I.

"Morning Annalee", I said. "Tea or coffee?",.

"Coffee please", Annalee said. I made them coffee and me a cup of tea before we all at on the back deck and watched the sunrise.

"Annalee do you remember how me, Ian, and you use to do this?", I asked.

"Yea", Annalee said. "To be honest if Ian wasn't a crazy person he would have been more fun to hang around",.

"Yea, I think so", I said. Ian use to be so nice but what happened that Easter will be in my mind forever.

"Annalee told me all about this by named Ian and I think what he did to you was horrible", Thomas said. I then heard the backdoor open.

"Good morning Kiddies", A voice said.

I turned and saw my father and Jack standing next to him.

"Hey Mark", I said. "Hey Jack",.

"Do you mind if we sit with you?", Mark asked.

"No it would be a honor", I said.

"Why thank you", Mark said. Jack and Mark pulled up a chair close to us.

"Wade, Matt, and Ryan still asleep?", I asked.

"Of course", Jack said. "Wade seemed tired last night",.

"Oh I see", I said. "So what are we gonna do today?",.

"I haven't the slight idea", Mark said. "Thomas is there any questions or places you want to know about LA",.

"Well..", Thomas began. OH GOD

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